And da award fo moz CG inappropriate applauze moment goez to

@ 37 minz

FUCK! :whale: :whale:

can anyone beat diz?


Haha, well pozz he shouldn’t haff taken his handz away from da 88.

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Daim, he out :dong:ed da :dong:

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The same happened to my friend in the Fourth Baade. But he didn’t play at the famous Carnegie but in some small Croatian city :sunglasses:


I think this is even better! Carnegie also


Every :ho: in :japan: vid haff CGizhly inappropriate applause :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahah da crowd was happy dat diz encore finally done?

More common dan you think.
Although hiz jezture didn’t help matterz. I would have thought carniggah audienze a bit uzed to diz zong though…

I cringed hard

HAHAHA daim tru I rememba dat POGO vid, clazzic

u can complain about da body language but tiz actually quite hilariouz da habit u c on 88 vidz ov peniztz keepin deir handz on da keyz in piecez wiz partz lyk dat - in a body language way to zay ‘it aint ovah’ fo all da n00bz in da audience

but to be fair criticizm about n00bz applaudin when dey dont know da piece iz part ov da elitizt attitude dat putz people off concertz in da firzt place, zo I don’t judge dem

I juz find it awkwardly CG ezpecially in da fuckin CARNIGGA ov all placez :dong:


Incredible - in Carniggah! How many actually heard da zong fo da first tyme? :thinking:

And how many wuz not even listening :sunglasses:

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hahahaha tha zhrimp “hold up” fingah move iz ok; tha bez move iz juz ignor the applauze n continue playin on top of tha clappin az if nothin had happnd :shrimp:

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Musically illiterate audience and a vastly inferior transcription


Da :dong: makes da Liberace sound like a profound m*sician

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:trump: “fuck stop da :dong::microbe:!”

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I don’t know how somebody can be so good yet choose to be so bad


Haha, yeah, imo his DJ is one of da bezt 88 vidz evah, and yet…


He seems to appeal to da :cn: low level of government mandated culture

Because you know all da tru intellectuals already got lined up against da wall n shot or worked to death

Fuck Mao

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New acronym cummah…

fmao :lola: