Can Brahmz' Symphoniez be cuntvincingly tranzcribed fo piano?

I think the A section would work great, but I guess B would probably be problematic

Yes needless to say new to me

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Strongly disagree. What the fuck?

You guys need to branch out a bit.


I assume you’ve seen the video of Kat playing the 6th?

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Yeah I have a heard time understanding this. The storm movement especially is so much better in an orchestral version


I can’t think of one single moment in a Beethoven symphony that I’d rather hear on piano.


That’s precisely the movement I don’t think works for orchestra! How is that a storm? It sounds pathetic.

Well since you’ve listened to all of 4 symphonies, please lecture us on the inferiority of the orchestra.

That’s true. I think most of the piano versions are reductions made for the purpose of amatuer playing at home or salon, such as those Brahms or Schumann piano versions the composers prepared themselves and were released on Naxos. A transcription would be different and allow the transcriber more freedom to add virtuosity.

And I think it also depends on the way the composer compose an orchestral piece. Some do have a “piano” in mind and start from a piano piece before orchestrating it, e.g. Ravel. While some other composers do directly compose with the symphonic full score, and do not reply on piano to compose. Those works might be more “originally symphonic.”

I think da KAT Pastorale is simply such staggering pianism that the listener forgets that the piano isn’t fully adequate as a replacement for an orchestra.

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Every zymph wud benefit from a zepp tranz

But not every zymph dezerve one :sunglasses:


One thing to remember that Beethoven’s piano is not the modern piano or the Liszt piano that the modern recordings based on. I am wondering if he had the chance to touch a modern piano, would he transcribe his symphonies into piano himself, like Schumann and Brahms did?

You would know of course that Beethoven expressed desire to have his symphonies transcribed for the piano, and that he begun on one or two of them himself (I think 6 & 7). The idea was more than likely to make the music more accessible and better known, but it does show that he was in no way averse to having them performed on piano.

Even so I doubt he could ever have imagined Liszt. Or indeed the Steinway.


He did some orchestral reduction. Exists but in limited way

Did Czerny ever transcribe Beethoven Orchestra things I wonder.

I remembered right

this one time lol

too much thiqq counterpoint for one piano imo

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Sure, Czerny transcribed lots of Beethoven. Not only orchestra. He even went in the other direction and transcribed some sonatas for 4H.

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If somebody can do Brahmz convincingly i urge dem to also try da ORGAN SYMPHONY for solo piano

Finally without the screeching of the violin!!! A masterpiece : )

This rando guy is playing alright actually!


Gosh that’s cool :slight_smile: I have to get to bed, but I must listen to that tomorrow

I was being insincere at first but I like it! Tru you should record this.

Have I been possessed by Czerny mofo ! ?
