Chop Zonz vz. Shoe Zonz vz. Bra Zonz

Very difficult to compare BUT all 3 wrote 3 88 zonz each.

I actually love all 9 workz, but tiz intereztin to compare n c which cummah out on top

Both Chop&Zhoe are krittycized fo not bein ‘tru maztaz’ ov zonata form but I wud argue da ztrength ov da raw material fuck diz theory

Bra wrote hiz 3 zonz az hiz Op 1 2 n 5 - very early but inzanely mature piecez

  • Chopin
  • Schumann
  • Brahms

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For me it’s Chopin over the others in the sonatas, and it’s not even close. I don’t really care about sonata form, just the music and how much the pieces enable the performer to create a unique interpretation.

Chopin >>> Brahms >>>>>>>>>> Schumann

I love Schumann’s piano output, but those sonatas do little for me.

I like the Brahms sonatas fine, but they don’t leave much to interpretation.

I’m a huge Schumann fan, and love all three sonatas, particularly the 1st, and find the different versions of the F minor (which clearly is an influence on the Brahms, Scriabin, and Prokofiev F minor sonatas) absolutely fascinating.


I love 1 of each and less of the others but perhaps da others of da Zhoe more than da others of da others.
However da Zhoe fmin probably da least. Da Chop1 is really an immature work, hard to cumpare with da others.

Brahms all da way in sheer compo genzui

Form over content!

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Haha da Chop 1zt zon I wud cuntraverzially ratha hear den ALL 3 BRA zonz :sunglasses:

I appreciate da BRA zonz a lot but find hiz ztylee too dry n not az melodic

Da zhoe 3 zonz arguably da moz cuntziztent. Da G minah wikid quickzilvah frenzied gensui n mo compact n da otha 2 mo expanzive gensui.

So…this applies in the 2nd sonata?

Second zon is not bad but I prefer da first

Da :chop: in large-scale works a bit meh, look at da development sect of da 3rd son movt 1

Da fake Hammah? :sunglasses:

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Hahaha da Hammer fo average-cock sized individualz :zcholah:

No disrespect though, I think he was 18-19 when he wrote it.

Haha da Chopzon 3 ma fav out ov all 9 ov deze workz

  • It’s a juvenile composition that Chopin himself did not deem worth publishing. I respect his will, even though it does have lovely passages.

    • Paul Badura-Skoda, “Famous Pianists on Frédéric Chopin and Robert Schumann” (2010) by G. Henle Verlag
  • There are so many works in the repertoire that are more musically rewarding! The op. 4 sonata has always seemed to me to be a very, very poor specimen; it‘s almost unbelievable that it came from Chopin‘s pen.

    • Marc-André Hamelin, “Famous Pianists on Frédéric Chopin and Robert Schumann” (2010) by G. Henle Verlag
  • Chopin’s early piano Sonata, op. 4 has been almost never played in China. This work is Chopin’s very first big structure piano music he ever composed at that moment. I think it was an experimental try for him. Although Chopin is the most popular western “classical” composer in China, nevertheless at this moment, I think, the most important thing for us Chinese is to learn, realize and absorb the essence and spirit of western culture and music but not to take the “complete“.

    • Ming-Qiang Li, “Famous Pianists on Frédéric Chopin and Robert Schumann” (2010) by G. Henle Verlag
  • I don’t think I will ever perform Chopin’s first piano sonata; it is not on the same level as the following ones.

    • Christian Zacharias, “Famous Pianists on Frédéric Chopin and Robert Schumann” (2010) by G. Henle Verlag

HAHAHA da DOC bein an abzolute cunt :doc:

Da harzhnezz in deze quotez

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Da DOC is correct

Many years since I heard it, but I remember the 4th movement being very good

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HOLD UP :nigga:

Legendary perf

Tru diz da chop running away from da pokah table aftah zteeling da othah mofoz chipz

I really don’t think it’s a bad composition, it’s just by a composer who hasn’t found himself yet. You can definitely sense Chopin in there, but he never leaves you in any doubt who it’s modeled after.

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It’z clearly da weakezt ov da 3 but when u cuntzidah how often da otha 2 are played n how zeldom diz iz - tiz refrezhin to hear it once in a while

Bearin in mind I got to noe da ZONZ in da BIRET rec ov all 3…I didn find da 1zt to be glaringly inferior n juz enjoyed all 3

Anotha wikid C minah work ov da CHOP youth iz da op1 rondo

Alzo intereztin to note dat Chop n Zhoe zhare da fact all 3 zonz by each cova minor keyz neighbourin each otha

Chop - Bb B C

Zhoe - F F# G

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The Zhoe sonatas were certainly good enough for Gilels, Richter and Horowitz, so I must be missing something. Of the lot I’ve enjoyed Ho in the third the most.

I think my next step is to listen to them as isolated movements rather than a whole four movement composition. As that is how most of Schumann’s piano output works for me.

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