Chopet 10/7

Did anyone try/perform it? I find it very uncomfortable to play - the combination of legato (or give the illusion of legato) and quick repeated notes in one hand.
In many editions you see the fingering 32 15, 32 15 etc.
But actually I find it with 13 25 13 25 etc. sumwhat easier…

Randomly diz et zumwut related to da 25/5 in termz ov hand pozition :dong:

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HAHAHAH tru tiz a hard mofo

think of it lyk diz:

if da zepp cud delivah a zub-1min rape on diz, he zhorly wud haff filmed it by now :snail::sunglasses:


Tiz an insanely stretchy mofo too

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It makez you wondah how da hell Fried Mango could reach dis zpeed:


well, da 88 sure wuz not a heavy azz modern Yamaha

datz one MOFO rec


ahahahah TRU da legendary FRIEDMOFO CLAZZIK!!

in da zepp opinion

da bezt hand ztrukcha fo diz et iz:

long thumb + zhort finghaz :sunglasses:


Great anal-ysiz skillz of Da Zepp. :+1:t2:
Da pianopear’s hand strakcha iz…exactly da oppozite - i.e. long fingahs with relatively short thumb.
Dat’s why I prefer da otha fingering 13 25 pozzibly.

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Da DOC responds to da Friedman 10/7

MAH: Is that Simon Barere?

EI: It’s Ignaz Friedman.

MAH: That’s very strong fingers. To carry that to the end takes a lot of endurance.

EI: There’s so much fire there.

MAH: Almost too much, actually. It sounds like a turbo prop going at 140 beats per minute! It doesn’t need to be so fast. Because in a way, it’s out of character. I see a kind of serenity in that piece which I certainly don’t hear here. Of course, that’s just my view of it. Chopin didn’t really specify anything outright. I guess there is a range of visions that you can have with this piece but… I think this is excessive.

EI: It’s a stunt, for sure. It’s just considered one of the performances of that étude.

MAH: Why, because it’s fast?

EI: Well, I think because it’s got the fire. I know what you mean, though. While I love this, I don’t like Simon Barere’s version of the Schumann Toccata very much.


Nice quote, and I’ll have to agree that there’s something excessive in IF’s recording of this piece…but of course it’s absolutely stunning playing, not only in terms of speed but also because of his imagination, his colours, pedaling, voicing etc.

I don’t see what he means by serenity in the piece, I don’t hear it’s character as being serene at all.

HAHAHAAH da DOC clearly biazed becuz if he zayz diz iz an SD piece it makez hiz ChopGod verzionz a bit zheeyat :sunglasses:

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ahahahah mannn da zepp initially wanted to link diz intahview

but decided againzt it in view of

protectin da DOC reputation :sunglasses:

ahahahah REZPEC!!

alzo randomly

we need a nu PEARMOFO priztine rec to zhow uz nu-generation-mofoz da tru art of da 88, preferably in da form of a hung rappah :fire::musical_keyboard: :sunglasses:

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pozz da :doc: enjoyz da :whale: quazi-moizt approach ? :sunglasses:

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ahahahah da WHALE iz chill but ztill wikid

da definitive :zcholah: interp iz da HAMA winnah round 1 perf

1’50 wiz fucked final run bazed on da zepp a bit zheeyat memory :sunglasses:

dat perf alzo extra legendary when heard in da cuntext of da TRUMOFO theory of:

‘only offah yo bezt chopet in compz’

TRU :sunglasses:

Actually, I like this Whale interpretation a lot!
Mozt plodding rec. evah was by a legendary 89 y. old, with the famous “Merde!” at the end.

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Da DOC juz want to keep getting invited to comp juries


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fuckkkkkkkkkk diz zhorly da exact INTERP MODEL of da HAMA WINNAH, includin da final arp fuckup! :whale: