Da 25 greatezt peniztz EVAH - Includin da DONGAH, BAREN n BRENDULL

fuckkkkkkkkkkk ztill here


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Gosh, yes but I havenā€™t been there since ca 2001. What Iā€™m doing is different though - Iā€™m not so concerned with releases, but with what was recorded. Iā€™m detailing sessions & concerts.

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ahahahah REZPEC

hiz top 10 lizt iz almoz a perfect zubzet of yo top 25

da one except iz da CUDA (not on yo lizt but on hiz)

zo u mofoz may haff very zimilah taztez :sunglasses:

In da LEZBO zect on da 88wiz zite:
" In other words, the 1837 set is even more difficult than the Transcendental Etudes . Claudio Arrau and Alfred Brendel, both Liszt specialists, once said that these 1837 etudes are so difficult that no one today can play them in concert."

Ok, fuck u brendull, I vil prog one in rectal.

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Diz zhud be a piece of pizz cuntzidahrin u haff already ziteraped da 1837 ZEPP :sunglasses:

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I wonā€™t try da FF :stuck_out_tongue:
But I wonā€™t cheat eithah by doing da PIZZAGE.

Da VIZION looks doable in da 1837 version.

Pozz da 1837 LAPD quazi-zightrape cummah.

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Hahaha dis review of a CAMELDICK RECTAL. Soundz like it was a mazzive rapefezt!


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AHAHAHAH truuuu da klazzik CAMEL rectal

I alzo lyk how da 88wizard mofo fully endorze rape in zum of hiz reviewz :sunglasses:


My list wasnā€™t my list though, but an attempt to do a more proper top-25 list than ClassicFM by using some criteria. Gould would never be near a top-25 list of my own! (while de Larrocha, Pogo, Bolet, etc certainly would)

I would have included Gilels randomly if there had been more spots since I think he ticks every box, he ended up among those last 8 I had to bin.

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So youā€™ll transfer your pdf to a public site and cover about 200 pianists? I was working on that Russian site but I just lost interest. I think I made it through 80 of about 6-700 pianists.

Tru, da 1837 LAPD zightrape ULing right now :sunglasses:


Yes, exactly. Iā€™ve been re-working it over the past year or so and have 225 pianists in the main section, of which 208 are ā€œdoneā€. Thereā€™ll be some more things around it, but it will be heavily centered around recordings.

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tha ZIFF tha VOL tha DOC :icon_stopw_sdc_473:

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Nononono. Lang Lang, Andsnes, and Clara Schumann.

hahahahahaha tha legendary miztah green!


Da SWEDISH Andsnes hatred :sunglasses:

A list THAT mediocre with no


Tragic :sunglasses:
Diz insane lack of consistency


Hahahaha where iz da GAV in yo top 10 robbah? :sunglasses:


You just wait till I get to the Swedes =)

No I donā€™t have a problem with Andsnes, I justā€¦ I find his interpretations completely agreeable, well understood, balanced, executed all thumbs up and not a cloud in the sky - but I also find him completely unengaging. Never have the mundane been so beautifully delivered as with him. Itā€™s not hatred, itā€™s disinterest - heā€™s like looking for art in the wallpaper catalogue from IKEA.

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