Da CIMIMOFO prepare to unload in LONDON while rapin da ZEPP wiz juz 1 limb

ahahahaha i vil zay dat da CIMIMOFO penizm generally zound lyk

da KAT

wiz no prax fo 5 yrz :sunglasses:



A little something tells me he’s not a huge fan of da KAT, even if he likes the holy one. :zif:

Cimirro had impressive tech though, I might still have some of his improvisations from 10-15 years ago in my mail archive. There was nothing particular to them musically, but technically they’d really make your hair stand on end.

I’ve got an album of his own compositions, etc (iirc it’s on the Polish label who release his cds). I genuinely enjoyed it. I’m under an obligation to keep it private however, I’m afraid.

Aside from octave vomits, Da Liszt pag 2 essentially written for one hand with some scraps of counterpoint and doubling here and there.


da zepp zumwut harzh verdickt bazed diz, da unleazh excerptz from hiz own docu includin hiz bezt work da WAGNAH VALCRO fo LH:

B clazz rape
C clazz tech
D clazz compo zkillz :sunglasses:

This is about how I remember the files he used to send out, only this is four or five thousand beers later. He never had or showed any precision even when young, it was basically pedal down from start to finish with lots of Cziffraesque things all over. But hairrising dexterity and pianistic fluency, what others have to work on and practice he seemingly could just toss off on a whim.

ahahaha i rezpecfully dizagree :sunglasses:

And Poon-level promotion

Oh, no I meant when he was in his early 20s. Not the midi maztah in the vid above.

hahahahah but objectively zpeakin

da POON haff 5 tymz da tech demonztrated by da CIMIMOFO in dat vid :sunglasses:

ahahah go to coda at 10’15 fo a COMME 2003 level tech unleazh :comme: :sunglasses:


Hahaha da CIM haf pozz improved zince den :dong:

Judgin by hiz ‘recz’ he haf :sunglasses:

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hahahahah mannnnnn

in fact, da bezt COMME IMPROZ juz pwn diz wtf CIM tranz

not juz m*zically but alzo


pozz :fire: :musical_keyboard: :sunglasses:

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HAHAHAH da CIM LH arrangement lizt include da complete BRA n TCHAIK zymphz fo LH alone…

Mannnn wut da fuck

Diz inzane lizt include da complete VILLA LOBOZ zymphz alzo, anotha 5 cd worth

I vil juz AZZUME da CIM iz an inzane gensui BLUFFAH lyk da TRUMOFO COMP CONC REP

He actually hafnt wrote ANY OF DEZE

n juz write dem when a mofo actually buy dem :sunglasses:

Artur Cimirro was also the first international pianist to play on the biggest piano in the world, a 5.7-metre long piano made by the 23-year-old Kiwi Adrian Mann, making two special concerts in a shed on Timaru’s countryside (New Zealand).[9]

HHAHAHAHA da CIM NZ debut wtf

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TRU da CIM chooze to vizit da NZ when da zepp iz cuntveniently chillin elzewhere ic :sunglasses:

ahahaha but da way diz mofo write/impro hiz LH tranzz, tiz bazically a formula zumzheeyat lyk diz:

play da melody

randomly zmazh da bazz

arpz cummah up

play da melody again

repeat ad infin, zubztitute arpz wiz zcale/chrom etc :sunglasses:

Hahah diz mofo makin $$$ zellin da zheetz

Da comme cud zpend 10 minz makin an impro tru but

it wud take 10 fuckin yrz to notate it :sunglasses:

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To be fair, I doubt there’s much money in selling sheets of highly niche arrangements that very few people will be capable of playing.