Da COMME vz BRU DUEL cummah! (cummah late summah) - early voting encouraged:

request granted.
comp results:

mofos admitted to da finals (2):

finals (dates TBA) in August

Daim I feel zum fury

Brewin :sunglasses:


Alwayz :sunglasses:

Both u mofos is welcum to pm fo bank info


when da zepp opened diz thread, i had da COMME az a 10 to 1 favorite to win diz, thinkin da ruzty BRU vil ezzentially give up wizout a fight

diz now a 50/50 zheeyat wiz da zudden BRU eruption :volcano: :sunglasses:


Conzultationz with da Mart is recommended :money_with_wings: :sunglasses:


ahahahahah da MART ezzentially da only mofo who cud rig da votez

i ztrongly encourage both cunteztantz to take diz into accunt :sunglasses:

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No no, all voting is audience centahed, like da TV talent show zheeyat (pozz)

Damn, I donā€™t subscribe to this forum section. Whatā€™s this all about?

A legendaire duel.