Da Greatezt 'Complete 88 workz' zetz?

For any pianizt who haz recorded da complete piano workz ov any compoza

which have been da moz zuccezful?

almozt uniformly we can agree dat pianiztz who only record zelected workz are da bezt recordingz - quality > quantity

BUT dere are rare examplez dat actually do well

Azhkenazy cumplete Chop :chop: n Rach :rocky: workz are pretty good

No one haz done a truly great cumplete Zhoe zet

Da LEZBO da only complete PIMP and tiz far from great

I’d argue da moz cuntziztently great zetz are a few RAVEL zetz

mainly becuz tiz juz 2 cdz worth :sunglasses: :icon_stopw_sdc_473:

tru dat - it’s easier to record a couple of CDs worth of material at a high level than twenty-plus.
I’d add Jacques Fevrier playing Debussy (4CDs). Dunno if Rubinstein recorded da complete :chop: but it must have been close - and he’s my top pick for that rep (da Ashk sucks balls in :chop: :stuck_out_tongue: ) .

Da LUBE playz lube

And when finally recorded

:zepp: playz da cumplete zeppetz

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Gould - Schoenberg

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Ahahahaha da LEZBO cumplete PIMP vil hilariouzly be

Unzurpazzed fo anoth 30 yrz at leazt :sunglasses:


Hahah da race fo da firzt cumplete ALKAN iz between

  • da VINAH

0 voters

Hu vil reach da finizh lyn firzt? :sunglasses: :racing_car: :racehorse: :motorcycle:

Unluckily da WELLAH haff already got well down dat line :snail:



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Clearly da WELLAH vil crozz da finizh lyn firzt

:turtle: :rabbit2:


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In rhythm Mollusk



Gieseking’s shits on a few composers are pretty successful. Although sound iffy.

tru - would love to have heard his Bach or Debussy in a good clean rec.

wasn’t Gieseking a fattytransfer recipient back in da early days? was successful?

I melted all my gieseking record surfaces.

one or two sounded good but its before I got fancy stuff and stopped putting weird solvents on everything.


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