Da KAT Cummah!


So I put a question to you guys-

can any living pianist in the classical world improvise better than this? :sunglasses:


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Haha rezpek da kat’z big bag of tech tricks. Dat’z all he’z doing though really, juz going through them. It’z more a medley than an especially coherent impro, imo.


I don’t buy into the prepared piano aspect of the second mofo, but otherwise that’s more my kind of improv.

It seems horribly immodest to say so, but other than his obviously stellar tech, da kat doesn’t faze me at all, I can do that sort of ramble on demand :stuck_out_tongue:


REZPEC da KAT prodigiouz memory :sunglasses:


And rezpek da remarkable non-moving hair :laughing:

TRU IMPRO zhud be lyk diz. zero tech trickz, juz m*zik

(tru diz a bit wtf cummin from da zepp) :sunglasses:

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Diz was a GENZUI impro!!

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Haha when I do this I only offer three or four notes for the basis :smiling_imp:

Pozz coz once my teacher told me to impro on a note row and dat wuz a bit much for moi!

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ahahahahah da zepp zero-tech approach, goin fo mo of a

:nigga: chill-in-brothel vibe :sunglasses:

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ahahah wiz mo notez u rizk da zheeyatz nevah bein in da zame key which wud make any moizt zound a bit zheeyat tru :whale: :sunglasses:

I tried to cheat by starting on da pimp fauzt note row and when that wuz rejected I couldn’t keep 12 random non-repeating notes in my head long enough to fakeimpro on it :sweat_smile:

hahahaha truuuu da ztartin from a rep pzzg alzo a legit impro method

alzo da mofo da TRUMOFO pozted, randomly nowhere near az gud az da TRUMOFO himzelf or da FEZTIN BOB

n may even be exceeded by da COMME on a gud day :comme: :sunglasses:

fuckkkkkkkkk randomly diz iz da thread to azk

do u mofoz ztill haff da link to dat inzane FAT BRAZILIAN CHICK who preface every tube vid wiz photozhopped/ancient pix of herzelf?

i alwayz wanted to zhow diz to da COMME

dat chick wuz, if i zheeyat correctly

2/10 in rep, 8/10 in impro :comme: :sunglasses:

Hahaha… mannnn

I see…

Dis chick?

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:comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme:

pozz da only penizt in da world wiz

ZUB :comme:-level rep playin

but ABOVE :comme:-level impro:

GENSUI :sunglasses:

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I don’t think Kat is a particularly creative improvisor. Kind of like Ziff, he sounds better than he is.

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