Da Official Quiz Thread

TRU da ZKEPTO legendary XENA HERMA rec one of da clazzik GENSUI artifactz of da SDC :tophat: :o: :sunglasses:

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ahahahaha da COMME may haff diz

or da BRU :sunglasses:

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Diz clazzic thread!!!

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One for @Ashley_Tervort

I dun know what it is…
Theres a Facebook group called guess da score, you should join :zif:


zhorly da COMME already part of dat group, no? :sunglasses:

if not, den who invited moi to join dayum wuz da zepp hallucinatin or wut :sunglasses:

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I hadn’t seen him comment so dunno. I assume he would be a ‘top fan’ sheeyat

i wud guezz tiz eitha a ruzzian o zpanizh zheeyat

my gut zay tiz lykly a wrong guezz but iz it:


la VEGA?

actually i think bazed on tha typzet alone tiz not that :dark_sunglasses:

cud it be zumthing by tha GOD pozzibly?

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Tru I was thinking Russian too. No one has posted the answer yet.

It’s a South American sheeyat.

Hahahaha tru diz wikid group. Zum ov da moz inzanely obzcure zheeyat :sunglasses:

N alzo when I c 1 I noe it haf already been zolved :dong: da GMT tymzone pozz a handicap in diz


Da 88 writin in dat piece look a bit wikid tru


Da robbah furiouz farmah?

ahahahah da ROBBAH FURIOUZ FARMAH iz a tonal zheeyat wiz zum cluztah rape partz n iz quite wikid in every way :sunglasses:

DIZ tho

i can guarantee zound 100% ZHEEYAT :sunglasses:


I dun think I haff even heard da zheeyat.
Now with da SDC legendary C20th tech, can zumone upload into a reply?

Iz dere zheetz az well?

ahaha lookz a bit lyk that “A.r.” zong by xenakiz :gav:

juz liztnd on tha tube; tiz not :gav:

U zhor?

Tiz a notated Zepp perf :sunglasses:
