Da Official Quiz Thread

The Asian chick is the concept, not the girl. The blonde chick is one you learn by hanging out with da Brew a bit.


I wanna see @Dr.TM take da fucker.

Made in Italy, juz like da Mikey.

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Look at all the bloody spelling variants (and more you can’t see)!
I thought da Rosetta stone was meant to standardise this sheeyat



I spent like a minute trying to work out the spelling on da first sheeyat then gave up. I don’t think I even know where to find da rosetta stone.

Hahaha da clavicumbucket zhud alzo be cleavagecumbucket

da ZIFF zhud rezpecfully be wiz 2 f’z

diz lyk called da ZEPP da fuckin ZEP

rezpec fo da efficiency n brevity but juz lookz/zoundz wrong :sunglasses:

alzo no idea hu da fuck da VBM iz becuz i hafnt caught up wiz all da BRU random backztory

diz lyk tryin to catch up wiz 30 yrz worth ov eitha neighbourz or home n away :sunglasses:

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Tru, howeva - :zif: = : zif : Plus if you go to write ziff you vill write zif so vill give you da point anyway.

Tru but dat iz lykly a fuckup on behalf ov da MART when fixin up da emojiz :sunglasses:

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Actually, I meant it as aid for me (and other newbies) since more often than not I couldn’t understand what the hell you were talking about. :yum:

Haha there is significantly less drama in my story than da TM. :sunglasses:

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Tru I recall da EXTREMOFO uzin da ‘Zep’ zpellin in da 25/8 thread

A zign of

Extreme DIZREZPEC :sunglasses:


On da otha hand, adding a PPP also a sign of extreme disrezpek

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Happy Easter mofos. Here’s G minor :nigga:

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Same to you mofo. Eazypeazy, I had 20/20. :stuck_out_tongue:
Though da Dvorak was a guess.


Not diZZrePPec?

ahahahah da MIKEY a random

EXTREMOFO apologizt? :sunglasses:

20/20 :sunglasses:


ha, see I didn’t think that was any easier than the others :man_shrugging:

Rezpecfully deze iz only eazy if u noe dem :sunglasses:

da ‘key’ format az I zaid iz advantagouz zince zum mofoz here have very gud knowledge ov mainztream rep

Tru, but guessing cumposers is cunsiderably easier than guessing zong titles. (I guess there’s not much to work with though).

Anywho, next… Some very very standard rep in here.