Da russian TONE

Drugged out, and he was 80 years old.

ahahah u remembah da 88 ztreet MARIK ā€˜ZOCK coldfart 1 week wizout prax = unliztenable amateur rapeā€™ ztory? :sunglasses:

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Yeah vaguely, but I seriously doubt it was that bad. I respected Marik a lot but some of the stuff he said was really exaggerated, if not just pure BS. Like that da PLETNOPHILE memorised da French/Russian dictionary in 2 days on a bet. I have heard his French, and it is not good.

da BRU :sunglasses:

Tru, he wuz too busy in Thailand :sunglasses:

Iā€™m afraid this statement is less & less true as the penist gets older & older.
I would change da never really lose it into lose it only very gradually.

So you have to practise more as you age?

to be honezt
I think my playing iz bettah now den few years ago (which means best it has ever been) dezpite barely praxing nowdayz

i always listen to performances even az I do other sheeyat lyk studying
and i haff calmed down too as i haff grown older
certainly da mus*cality haz improved
da tech haz, i think, remained da same. dis might change as i hit my 30s and 40s tho



hahahaha DAIM :sunglasses:


I think what da Tony writes is quite true.
One of my best friends is also a very talented mofo at da 88, he played the Norma, Rhapsody VI, Chopin Etudes etc. in masterclasses and concerts. BUT he started a family and chose another career, got children, working 4/5 days in the week and even studying other stuff in the evening. Despite of all that, he somehow still managed to give concerts and indeed, musically itā€™s better or more convincing than ever simply because he has lots of experience and studied a lot of repertoireā€¦and heā€™s also more relaxed on stage because he doesnā€™t HAVE to make a career anymore as a pianist, it takes away a lot of pressure. And even with quite limited practise time he still had enough technique to give a good recital. However approaching his 40s now, he does have to give up the more technically challenging stuff and concentrate more on chamber music and somewhat easier pieces.

ahahahaha mannnn

da zepp ztill hold diz moz cuntroverzial opinoin dat

da mo u prax

da bettah u vil be :sunglasses:

i remembah bein cumpletely away from da 88 fo about a yr zum eonz back (zumwut coincidin wiz ma random SDC abzence :lib:), DAYUM da day when i zat back down in front of da familiah lookin black n whyt keyz n tried to unleazh zum zheeyatā€¦

zuffice to zay

on dat day

da COMME mizzed hiz only chance to defeat da zepp in a duel :sunglasses:


e60m5, one of the former SDCers, is somewhat similar. He still plays the hardest rep (Alkan Concerto, Norma, Tannhauser etc), while working as a barrister. When I talked to him about it once, he said the most time he had to practise was 3 hours in a day, and heā€™d have to block time off work in order to do it.

For what itā€™s worth, until a couple of weeks about I hadnā€™t played piano virtually at all in 4.5 years (all the time Iā€™ve been in Paris I havenā€™t had a piano), and surprisingly it came back pretty easily. I still have my dystonia, but I reckon if I could retrain my right hand out of it, I could play decently. I have absolutely zero aspirations to play rectals again, I never enjoyed that even before I developed FD, but if I could even play easier stuff for myself that would be like a miracle, considering that I couldnā€™t use my RH at all the last time Iā€™d tried.

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Yeah Iā€™m alzo a firm believah in hard work at da 88, dat iz, when tiz done cuncentrated and intelligentlyā€¦
So in general, we culd zay dat in a nohmal zituashon, da purely technical/mechanical zkill, eaze & prowezz of youth will gradually dizappear unlezz you maintain a rigid practize routine until well in yo 50z or 60zā€¦

tiz tru
id say in my specific case
yearz of rigorous medical training which iz by nature very detail-orientated and fastidious
helped bring about some discipline and meticulousness in mah playing
which were dearly missing in mah earlier years

howevah, it iz also undeniable that had I gone to a conservatory
and received yearz of masterclasses and praxed much more in general
i would be a much bettah penis den now :frowning:


Ztill waiting for da bru unleeeeyazh vid.

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It will come eventually. At the moment Iā€™m not able to play a complete sheeyat, Iā€™m just drilling certain techniques to try and retrain my hand. I think itā€™s working, but I donā€™t know how this thing goes. I donā€™t want to say that Iā€™m going to recover within X months, only for it to come back.

Itā€™s cool, we can zettle fo an xmas teazah while waiting fo da full blown bru to blossom into da flowah he once waz.

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I can probably find a historical unleash somewhere, but I donā€™t really want to post anything new until I can play something decently.