Da TRIF nu progs

I dun get it

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Itā€™s a long story this time. You need to keep clicking the little arrows.



Oh, it starts at Trifonovā€™s recital of course. Which you can now attend since weā€™ve taken care of Hui for you. xyxthumbs

Iā€™m not supporting that flat-fingered emoting FTM bearded CUCK with a vaguely hispanic tranny wife/handler

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Wat? I thought you were his biggest fan.

If you change your mind you can always hear it through da xā€™s concert service afterwards. I will get it since I thought Iā€™d use it as pilot for my recital with him later in the season.

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Nah, he plays and looks like an FTM

I clearly remember you being all ā€œda triff da only golden age mofo today, da only chopin legatoistā€ etc

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Da Trif perhaps in a reverse Samson situation with that beard.

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Tru, he is one of ma favorite Chopinists alive now but I wud not go hear him in da Bach Art of da Deal fo lyk $175

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Tru, pozz

I really donā€™t know about that either. I hope he does a good 1080 because Iā€™d dearly love to hear it live, but if itā€™s anything like I imagine thereā€™s no way Iā€™m attending it. Iā€™m genuinely curious on his Scrib-9 on the other hand.

rezpec :gav: