Fingering question

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Got a solid hour in on 1838 pag yesterday. Performance level of certain variations going from ghey to questioning.

Got a question though. After you worked on fingering real hard, but it don’t work, how do you change it? My fingers magically want to play original fingering unless I concentratelike a mofo on them which is causing some stutters and weirdness.

Try playing it in dotted rhythms or in short, separated groups in order to disrupt the perceived muscle memory, perhaps?

That sounds like a really good advice.

Tru, I’m going to need all help I can get from these threads too. zepp had me started working on the Alkan again this weekend. It’s coming back remarkably quickly after all I have to say, especially since I have barely touched the piano at all since last winter. The notes return at about half an hour per page, and I can already play some sort of Schönberg transcription of the first few more or less in tempo. But it still feels like I’ve taken on to compete against Usain Bolt over 200m. It’s ridiculously difficult, and I’ll probably never get a completely clean performance out of it.


if yo handz juz refuze to abandon da old fingahrin, den dat zimply mean tiz

da BEZT fingahrin tru 8)

How to change fingerings?

Well, there aren’t THAT many valid fingerings anyway…
In old rep, diz actually a good idea to try out new fingerings…

Randomly, in some of my rep, I have various fingerings dat work for me n I need to settle on one…

It’s strange how this works. You can be accustomed to a certain fingering for years, and then suddenly you realize it doesn’t work (anymore). Because actually your pianism and technique are changing all the time. When I look at a certain piece that I practised 20 years ago, I sometimes have to laugh about the ridiculous fingerings I chose. A fingering is also closely related to what kind of musical effect or phrasing you want to accomplish.
There are teachers who demand that their pupils write down the fingering on EVERY note. Others don’t write down anything in the score.
For “programming” a new fingering that seems more suitable or comfortable, just work sl*wly, play as slowly and concentrated as possible, being conscious of the mvmt. of every single finger and where they go.

This all makes sense.

Thanks guys. Think I’ll practice the better fingering leading in and out tricky spot with accents and shite. Is left hand var 4 chord flapping in bar 4 / 7 / and 8. Playing second beat of some of these without thumb on black keys ( 2nd fing instead) extremely way easiler than jutting thumb back up to black keys and fumbling around while the right hand is in fuzz spaz mode with octaves.

hahaha I remembah being impressed by diz WOLFCHICK inthaview :

something lyk:
“I choose fingahring according to da hall accouztic so I change it at every perf”

I zaid to mahzelf : fuckkkk zhe iz my new BZ maztah 8)


da FAKERUDY: daiiiiiiim y didn’t i think of diz excuze :gav:

Zat’s azking foah fake-rudies :wink:

U sure zhe was talking about her 88 playing or her CAM ZHOW perfs? 8)

Ain’t nobody wanna see a cam show from her anymore. 15 years ago, sure but only da LOLA would be slut enough to attempt it as a 50 year old. Grimaud always manages to come off as somewhat pretentious in interviews, randomly. I wonder if she’s still touring with the same programme as 3-4 years ago? And TM is right, she’d fakerudy all over the place if she really changed fingering “based on the acoustics”(!). It’s been a long time since I played piano, but I don’t remember having difficulties integrating a new fingering, although I did have the same experience as pianopera, where fingering which I had previously used would not work when I’d revisit a piece some years after first learning it. This is a reason I’d always like to start with a clean score when relearning sheeyat.

Ahh this good idea too. Maybe just not play that part at all for a while and relearn movements right way while notes are still in brain.

Deep Genzui within this group!