Great Recordings chosen by Musicians

Pletnev’s recording is amazing but that doesn’t mean anyone will like it (I think you can be like that with him, ‘wow but not for me’). There’s the DG recording, but an earlier one from '79 was just released by Melodiya (I think it was shared here, I have it anyway if you need a copy). I’m sure there are loads that I don’t know of, but there’s another one from the recital when he played the 14 mazurkas that I put on YT.

I’m often a fan of da Plate interps, so I’d like to give it a go. What about the one on your channel, from '93?

oh yeah I forgot I had uploaded it already. That’s the one from the recital with the mazurkas

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Scrolled to da pimp…

"Liszt Totentanz

Brendel brings dignity and tension to Liszt"

Off you fuck. Page closed due to ensuing lack of credibility. Dignity in the fucking Totentanz? Funerailles, yes, let’s have some, but the Totentanz??? The only tension I feel in da brendull pimp is the internal debate over how long it will be until I switch his flaccid interp off. He barely makes it through the first gesture in the opening cadenza :yash:

Quite apart from the fact that I would probably nominate da Ziff/Benzi Tot as the greatest piano + orch rec in history, there are damn good versions from Mickey and da Zim, long before we need to descend to this.


I reckon da DOC picked deze sheeyatz as a form of reverze psychology

Poor innocent newcummahz to da rep will hear da Brendull rec n den c da DOC play it n be like FUCKKK da DOC iz da bezt penizt evah

Da DOC gensui zabotage tech :sunglasses:


Da brendull micropeniz ztrikez again.

Pozz da zlowezt intahlocking chord/oct tech diz side of da BZ.

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I alwayz wondered how da FUCK da Brendull fucked up hiz fingaz n often played wiz plaztahz/bandaidz on dem

Firz tym I zeen him play I wuz lyk DAIM diz mofo muz do zum zeriouz unleazhin to get all deze finga cutz

:snail: Wut a dizappointment :whale:


To improve his “touch”, pozz :smiley:

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I actually like Brendell’s Liszt, but not in the virtuoso rep. His Vox B minor sonata is one of my favourites.

However the only evocatively authentic thing about his Totentanz is that it sounds like it’s being played by a dead mofo :zombie:


Listened to da Tot now. I see where they’re coming from, it has a strength and dignity to it. (The opening caddy does sound pretty weak though). Not going to replace my fav however.

Diz Mikey quote uzed zo much it vil be on yo tombztone :whale:

Totentanz isn’t a favourite work of mine, since it combines two thinks I’m not fond of; the Dies Irae and variation form. I actually think I like Lewenthal’s arrangement better than the usual form.

Yo hatred ov variation form iz almoz az commonly quoted az mikeyz mattah ov perzonal tazte :whale:

My Tazte quote new to the board. (but tiz tru :comme:)
Da Bru hatred been round rong time.

Haha so long as it’s been clearly established!
For the record, I don’t mind passacaglias/chaconnes.

Tru diz zubquote often mentioned alzo :dong:

Zhorly u haf to at leaz lyk a few piecez

Feztin? :kan:

Yeah there are some, but overall I find melodic variation to be not very interesting.

What about through composed variations like Rach or Franck?

I like it better, but even for Rach I don’t like the Corelli and I’m fairly indifferent to the Chopin. I do like the Rhapsody a lot, however.