How did yozelf dizcover da sdc?

Juz had me thinking when da Candain zaid to keep diz place quiet for obvious reazonz, how you mofoz found diz place.

  • I ztarted diz place mofo
  • 88ztreet
  • MZN
  • TM recruitment
  • Anada, zpecify.

0 voters

Da fuckin CHOPINFILEZ :sunglasses:


Think I joined in 2007 fuck!! What was I doing here? I could have been pulling ass at nightclubs at that age and rebounding from binge drinking by morning.



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Really? I thought you were a rennaisance mofo. Did you have a different nick back then?

da tru tymlyn -

early 2004 da zepp n da comme find zum common ground on da chopfilez forum in both CG mentality and appreciation ov virtuozity n zpeed

add eachotha on MZN n dizcuzz zheeyatz around June 2014 n den announce an idea to form a faction ov da forum fo da moz MOFO people

friday july 2nd 2004 diz pozt wuz made n wuz an inztant hit, n da MART cumpleted da HOLY TRINITY ov original SDC mofoz

den zheeyatz ezcalate zo inzanely on da forum due to da abzence ov da ADMIN dat da NICO makez anotha forum while da CHOPFILEZ empire collapzez

except da NICO iz ADMIN ov hiz forum n makez a bargain wiz da COMME -

I vil make u yo own forum fo yo little clique ov peepz n juz ztay away from ma PRIZTINE cummunity

diz wuz da BIRTH ov da SDC forum in zeptembah 10th 2004

NICOz own forum fadez into obzcurity while da SDC ztill breathez lyfblood into da 88 cummunity wiz worldwide influence to diz day

da KINGDOM wuz formd in da ZHADOW ov da old empire



n CG


rezpec yozelf tru :sunglasses:


Ahahahah tru da COMME MART ZEPP original trifectah :sunglasses:

Da zepp haff vivid memoriez of chopfilez era SDC

A tym of legendary mofoz n zum not zo legendary

where difficult penizdick problemz lyk too great a diztance between dezktop cumputah n 88 wuz zolved by groundbreaking zolutionz lyk

Recin into a cazzette playah firzt den re-recin into windowz zound recordah

We haff cummah far indeed :sunglasses:

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hahah tru da zepp zhud haf uzed diz tech to be da

TRU myztery penizt :sunglasses:

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Hahahaha I remembah bein introduced to da zubtletiez of CG on da Chopfilez by

MADAME JULIANA :sunglasses:


hahaa da comme wizly eraze da COUP from da official historiography :ztalin:



HAHAHAHA da legendary unazzumin DOC in da cornah :doc:

haha da :doc: iz da fuckin SDC Jolly Rogah

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Da Zecret Archivz invited moi July 19 2017


Haha yo legendary prezence wuz much appreciated upon da COMMEz zumwut random return to da fold

I alzo mizz da X during deze tymz, fond ov dat mofo

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Yes, Brew and X were quite ztimulating mofoz to have Xchangez with…and now da Vlad dizappearing too?


Hahaha I discovered da SDC when da NOR came ovah to GFF (where I was leeching scores and recs like a real mofo - remember those days?) and blasted someone for sharing recs from da SDC.

Registered to see what all the fuss was about - with a really random sheeyat name that I’m still stuck with :sunglasses:


My first flirtation wuz sumwut terminated when a mofo accused me of being a
alt :joy:

Tbf TM altz did spread faztah den da :microbe:


I think it was commes spamming of 88ztreet that got me curiouz and den da conztant noob threads that forced me away.

So where does da Candain fit in?

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Haha haznt da Candain alwayz ztruck u mofoz az zumwut ov an

SDC anomaly :sunglasses:

he cummah from da 88world if I rezheeyat korrectly n while I haf cummah to like da mofo I ztruggled wiz da fact he took da SDC away from a freewheelin CG forum to a rec zharin forum

n now I value hiz c cuntributionz becuz nowadayz tiz a balance ov both n it needz dat to zuztain it