I don't like classical music any more

Update on diz? How did yo love return?

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I don’t know if it has, but right now I’m way deep in a piano research rabbit hole. I’ve found like a dozen pianists I didn’t have listed before.

Also diz - Stanislav Neuhaus played the Rach PC 4 in 196150636664_334711354042934_6687610739567362048_o

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I think I’m gonna take on da X method and use YT more as a blog. I don’t have so many recs but I’m loaded with photos & stories to mix together

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Speaking of unexpected PC perfs, I have a draft of Sofronitsky’s PC performances in the '41 / '42 Leningrad season. Any chance of a wartime rec?

Schubert C maj Fantasia w/ orch
Scriabin PC
:nigga: PC 5
:rocky: PC 2

two thingz

  1. duz da vladzpeedztah actually lizten to dat dipzhit jordan “moi only eat meat” peterzon? mad dizrezpec if zo

  2. tru u realize how few compozahz iz actually gud at a certain point. diz why u need to branch out to da 20th/21zt century zheeyatzu, ezpecially if u iz lookin fo “intenzity.” u iz lyk, ‘dayum mah-bad-zelf all out of m*zic’ but alzo u iz lyk ‘dayum moi gunna ignore lyk 90% of cuntpozahz evah’ 8)


Mad dizrezpekt 4 cumming back here n talkin outta your azz


dayum diz tinyprickmofo, da rightwingahz zo eazily “triggahed” :sunglasses:

Zeemz we bof triggahed den

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fuck da zhaolin legend of da tard-jitzu live on in da prickmofo, not zure dat how it workz 8)


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“You may say, ‘Well, dragons don’t exist’. It’s, like, yes they do — the category predator and the category dragon are the same category. It absolutely exists. It’s a superordinate category. It exists absolutely more than anything else. In fact, it really exists. What exists is not obvious. You say, ‘Well, there’s no such thing as witches.’ Yeah, I know what you mean, but that isn’t what you think when you go see a movie about them. You can’t help but fall into these categories. There’s no escape from them.”

‘Philozopher’ Jordan Peterson hittin da tough topic lyk ‘do dragonz exizt’ :ghey:

diz niggah iz a philozophah fo people hoo can’t read gud n aren’t interezted in learnin to read bettah

But da JP is more educated in his profession than anyone here who criticises him, so WTF? You guys criticise him for his politics and maybe his diet, but I listen to him because he’s a psychologist.

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da zkep actually HAFF a degree in philozophy (pozz a reverze-brag), zo in fact da zkep mo educated dan him on mozt mattahz relevant to wut he zay 8) moi azzure you dat he iz pure dipzheeyat


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It’s funny there’s so much strong feeling against him. Zkep & Kanada despise him in a kind of bitter way, and I think Comme is pretty much against him too. I think y’all a bit triggered.

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tru moi a bit bittah againzt him zince he iz a piece of zhit hoo think a tranz perzon zhud be able to be kicked out of dere home n job juzt fo bein tranz (diz literally how he became famouz) n hoo wud want to annul da zkep’z marriage. zo, dat :ghey:

alzo da zkep haff a highh averzion to newun cuntzidahed ‘very zmart’ dezpite not bein zo. he iz only zlightly mo zmart dan da average Breitbart writah, hiz writinz n interviewz often zhow a lot of dizcoherence n poor ztructah

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Peterson was ok until I listened to some extended interviews and was filled with logic errors and reductive sheeyats. He was coasting in some common sense points dressed up a bit to get famous through custeaversalness. The only pop intellectual dude I don’t projectile vomit about over time is Taleb. I could see myself settling down with that guy and raising corgys I like his shits so much. His Twitter brings me joy as well as his books.

He’s made some misjudgements, like that Zizek debate and way overdoing TV interviews and public stuff.

But the thing about being in the public and reducing a lot of yourself in the public is you’re bound to be judged in the same manner. Public judgment is mostly as shit as public mainstream anything. Have any of you listened to his university lectures or glanced at his publications (not the books)? This is the guy I admire.

What is this about? That’s not how he became famous.

Hahaha diz randomly becummah JP debate

JP haf becummah a pop intellectual and diz haz cauzed 2 zheeyatz -

Da good - inzpiring legionz ov mofoz to lizten, learn, and becummah empowahd independent thinkahz.
Empowahd to lizten to him, and even dizagree wiz him.

Da bad - inzpiring otha legionz ov mofoz to haf an intellectual mofo to look up to who confirmz all deir zexizt, tranzphobic, and generally maintain clozed minded conzervatizm.
He iznt dere to make dem think, he iz dere to confirm wut dey already think.

JP iz a very zmart guy, but he iz expozed to a biazed pool - da pool ov all da people who cuntact him and zay he haz changed deir livez fo da bettah

And he haz.

But wut about da otha pool - da pool ov mofoz lurkin in da youtube cummentz who relizh when he takez down a tranz perzon or takez down a woman.

Yez he iz mozt often correct in doze debatez, but da amount of zchadenfreude and myzogyny in da way doze people frame hiz zpeechez zmackz ov an ill-will and dizturbing malice and contempt for women and other groupz etc.

I wizh he would acknowledge dat da lattah group iznt az ‘tiny’ a minority of ignorant cuntz az he makez it out to be.


What is this about? That’s not how he became famous.

harzhly u iz miztaken; fo da firzt :clock1: in mah life moi wud appreciate input frum da CANDAIN. da jordan peterzon firzt became publicly known by oppozin da Canadian C-16 legizlation n teztifyin on diz zheeyat az an expert witnezz called by da cuntzervativez. he den video recorded himzelf in clazz refuzin to uze zum random undahgrad’z preferred pronounz n generally harazzin da ztudent to get da ZENZATIONAL REACTZ n promoted diz zheeyat lyk a wrinkly bigot-Kardazhian ztyle n randomly became viral in da canadian (n den UZ/global) alt-right. da C-16 extended equal rightz protectionz (mozt notably houzing n job anti-dizcrimination, i.e. exactly wut moi zaid) to da tranz community.

cuntzpicuouzly, in hiz teztimony he wuz lyk “moi treat everywun wiz rezpec n u zhud too” but zince diz teztimony made him populah wiz da typically-noxiouz anti tranz peepz, he zaw an opportunity to be a garbagezheeyat n den harazz hiz ztudentz fo da clickz. literally da beginnin of hiz public perzona iz built in a cuntradickshun - uzually not indickative of an ‘intellectual’ :ghey:

alzo da conzpicuouz zilent admizzion dat diz niggah duzn’t believe da zkep marriage is ‘valid’.

u know diz pantywazte doezn’t believe in climate change, tru? wut a fuckin coincidence, zurely an opinion derived frum hiz priztine rigor n not cuz he juzt a rightwing bullzhit artizt dat randomly tricked a bunch of incelz by wearin a fedora wunce.

read zum actual philozophy, tiz 100x mo intereztin. if u do, u vil zee how lackin da jordan peterzon iz in bazically all relevant regardz. ztart wiz da Feldman intro to epiztemology zheeyat