Operadick Parazheeyatz n Tranniez

Liszt’s great three IMO are Don Juan, Norma & Les Huguenots. Among the lighter or experimental ones my favourites are Niobe and Robert le Diable (the WHOLE Robert le Diable, with the introductory Cavatina), but as with any Liszt there’s barely a piece from his hand which doesn’t capture something from the world. One not mentioned yet which is ready to enter the standard repertoire right away is the Berceuse from Saba.

From other composers however I really don’t know. If you cherry pick there is quality music to be found from a range of composers of the time, but the vast majority struggles to meet even B or C tier Liszt if you ask me. I think the composers most worth looking in to who were productive in the genre are Czerny, Pabst and Thalberg. Maybe with a nod to Herz who does have some good things, also among his original compositions.

I agree the genre is underrepresented and overlooked today however. Its time will come… 100 years ago you’d think piano was all about little 3 minute miniatures, with the occasional large scale work thrown in to pay hommage, even if no one really wanted to hear it. Today you’d rather think all that truly matters are sonatas, concertos and other large scale multi-movement forms.


Tausig deserves a mention. I’ve never fully got on with his Wagner, but I think that’s partly a temperament issue on my side (also I think it’s much easier, for textural reasons, to paraphrase bel canto).

Ooh, forgot Moszkowski. Someone I vaguely know (who’s good enough to have played :rocky:3) said the Venusberg tranny was almost unplayable :smiley:

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There is stuff which is probably best forgotten tbh :smiley: and in some cases, I have! Not joking, but I read through probably at least 200 in preparation for the two discs I made.

Thalberg Sonnambula > da :pimp: one though, he said heretically :sunglasses:

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There are only two types of these sheeyats that I really like:

  • The already mentioned Liszt compositions, which are almost all worthwhile, and
  • Anything that involves compositions of Strauss because this thematic and waltzing sheeyat works so well in virtuoso arrangements/trannies. Though not all material of it is from operettas.
    GODOWSKY deserves a special mention me thinks
    See this playlist:

Strauss is kinda an entire genre of its own! Iirc Scherbakov did an entire CD of them.

For the previously mentioned visual element:

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Tru diz memorable thread

Technically anyzheeyat from da fleidahzheeyat iz an operadick parazheeyat/trannie becuz tiz from an opera :gav:

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Bwahahaha. Knew I’d have to do this :smiley:

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Actually one of ma fav. Operatic 88 noizes! Beautifully done by da Buz


Tru I played dis zheeyat. Works really well.
Griffes also did a very literal tranny of it.

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Hahah wut do u think ov da DOC live at wigmore rec? :doc:

Dat CD a bit legendary in da COMMEz intro to da 88 :sunglasses:

I dunno it :flushed:, but will be difficult to beat Ogdong…


operadick unleazh zhud ztay

zpontaneouz impro :cat::sunglasses:


Every inztinct I haff iz dat da pimp’z sheeyatz all began this way and one day he wrote out an approx version of da improz.

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Dere is not truly “B tier” Liszt imho, tho da source material fo sum of da trannies can be pretty uninspiring

hahaha not an opera zheeyat but i haff alwayz randomly enjoyd tha pimp-hummel zeptet tranz :pimp: :dong:


or at leazt tha outah mvmtz i zhud zay; dun remembah whut tha middl onez zound lyk :lib:


LISZT Réminiscences de Puritains de Bellini


Really nice prog

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Played by the composer. What a true badass.