Which SDC LEGEND haff da worzt m*zicality?

da fuckin GAV clazzic


N wiz all due rezpec no otha mofo can create zoundz lyk diz on da 88 :sunglasses:



tru :sunglasses:

DaComme has a sordid mind. He does not even deserve our opinions on posting 10 seconds videos titled unacceptably, despite Gavrilov’s pshychological shortcomings. It is as ominous like laughing at a handicapped person, while forgetting he has a great talent.

Why are you so foul mouth? All your comments that I see are obscene. Can’t you say something without saying these words?

:gav: :sunglasses:

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randomly dere iz a live DOC where he rape diz part juz az hard if not mo :sunglasses:

Da clazzic

Mandatory viewing fo dasdc :sunglasses:

… and fo pimpcomp jurahz :pimp:

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AHAHAHAHAHA normally 88 interpz can be dizcuzzed in termz of HOW n WUT

diz iz da only interp dat make u azk

WHY :sunglasses:

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Da WHY quezsheeyat iz clearly rendahed ZUPERFLUOUZ by da epiphany ov undahztanding dat diz perf iz definitive :pimp:

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DAYUUUUM :sunglasses:

This is probably how Liszt playing the piano !

rezpec diz ZCHOLAH :sunglasses:

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I voted for Gav, but randomly I think Hamelin’s playing is about as uninteresting as he is personally. He plays like a boring nerd who spent all his time practicing while everyone else was out there living.

He’s highly regarded because most of what he plays is uncontested. Any time there are 5+ recs of a piece, he ranks in the bottom half.

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how about da HandJob?? (HJ Lim)

da mofo wiz da mozt cg uze of mzicality iz probably da :dong:
hiz interps n gezticulations iz pozz da m
zical equivalent ov

going to da Gym in a 3-piece suit or yo chick putting on a minizkirt, high heelz n extra eyeshadow when zhe goes to meet yo MOM fo da firzt tym


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AHAHAHAH fuckkkkkkk da HANDJOB haff one of da BEZT m*zicalitiez evah

But tru da DONGAH dezcripzheeyat iz exact :sunglasses:

AHAHAHA fuckkkkk da CANADIAN alwayz had diz opinion? :sunglasses:

hahahaha daiiiim

ok ok I truzt da zepp.

in dat case I will nominate da LEZBO fo worzt muzicality

den dere are mofos dat are so WTF dat dey belong to both da WORZT n BEZT muzicality n dat wiz da



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Hahaha da LEZBO a predictable sheeyat fo hiz unique command of boredom.

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I foretell a huge discussion with da X. :wink:

that being sed, apparently a few of his early live bootlegs wuz pretty good.
dat tons of horse manure :horse: :poop: that he recorded as part of da Liszt complete sightfuckah slow midi series is a disgrace tho

Can’t think of anyone, really. Even if the m*zicality of sum of dem leavez much 2b dezired if y’ask moi.

2019 Pogo :sunglasses:

alzo, da zlit on a bad day :sunglasses: ie when she is sightfucking from memory like she did wiz da Muzzlutzky Pedoplate pic stash she did in Pariz aftah da complete nocts massacre