2 ezzential SDC philozophyz n deir natural originz

az da cute lil mouze vidz haff taught uz, in naycha only da faztezt zurvive. da :comme: mouze cud nevah ztand a chance againzt da zuperiah :stop: of da centipede/zpidah/zkorpion/znake/dog/wutevah

but den da mouze iz juz a bit sheeyat in general, hence undahminin da gensui of da faztah predatahz. so here we bring u a mo perzwayziv example: between 2 recognized MOFOz of da amazon buzh

:kan: :pimp:


from diz we obzerve da 2 ezzential sdc philozophyz/lawz of naycha:

  1. ZPEED definez da winnah

  2. once zpeed iz obtained, u can juz rape


diz zheeyat happens naturally. it’z okie.

howevah, da lil mouse, da innocent life, da harmless animal waz killed b/c of a heartless human being.

hahahahah fuck thiz powahhouze vid

:pimp: = tha tigah 8)


king k ong movie provez diz sheeyat az well


well, neither da mouse-scorpion vid nor da tigah-croc vid had nything to do with speed. da second had some tech involved, but very little.

in dis video u will see da real difference that propah tech and speed makes, especially in contrast wiff da clazzic lilmouse vid.