after killing my hands with the scherzo, randomly this.
256.mp3 (640 KB)
im listening atm (assuming you are erak from pf), Im quite impressed, I’ve battled with this etude for a while but still can’t really get my thirds going. Did you do any thirds exercises prior to attempting this?
: “if u play da sheeyat evenly it vil sound faztah den it iz”
: “pozzibly”
very nice!!
some exagerated accents in the second page, but in the overall. The right hand is pretty good.
However, i think your left hand is a bit sheeyat sometimes, you need to work on the phrasin’…
The ambientation is a bit sheeyat also, it would have to be more sotto voce…
hahaha well done! i tiz very imprezzed!!
so tiz he →
and him
randomly dis is abit sheeyat compared to da LEGENDARY ARAETH! (fo’ da ol’school chopfiles mofos)
well truly da Nor said rights not bad but i guess u should think about strengthenin it … sometimes it comes as da shade of da left while da left is juzz to create a vision of winds or so … if ya know what i mean … da left iz truly abandoned …
what i said iz not to cticize u … itz just seem u play it really cool so if u thought about practicing in dat mention u’ll see it vill become real good etude …
orange soda
haha wasn’t diz da mofo who posted william aide chopets?
diz quite good
but attempt more subtlety in yo interp
da deep critic
HHAHHAHAAHAHAHAAHHA YEZ! Randomly ill send u a wikid vid fo bein’ ol’ school
SDC Definition: “Zpeed defines da winnah”
aftah liztening to yo rec, i cant give u any higher score dan 0/10
and only that counts
da art of 88 = zpeed
i muz concur wiz da kritty