A Gigantic FUCK YOU to all critics, courtesy of TR

Well I always thought music was supposed to be fun, but someone must have forgotten to tell those idiots. Theirs are some of the most condescending and critical posts I’ve ever read.

They are the reason I don’t post in the newsgroups or on the yahoo! forums. They suck all the fun out of music.

Yeah, it’s a pretty sad state of affairs–his “analysis” of why the Dante sonata and Vallee D’obermann are pieces of trash was the most amusing.


“The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions.”–James Russell Lowell


Well, 99.9% of critics in History haff been sheeyat, including sum of dose who haff been performing artists at the same time. But to be honest, so many ‘great’ artists haff been below par also, so I wonder if a little bit of what we get from critics may be of slight value… I know I could be a critic easily and make sum very telling comments if I was given a column to review… then again, maybe not!

It shows when you go to a concert and one critic praises the choir and criticises the soloist, one blames the conductor and says the soloist is great and someone else says the orchestra were all over the place and the choir were greeat.

da critics are mostly twats

If anyone wants to have a good, hearty laugh at the expense of critics everywhere… pick up this book right here:


I keep finding amazingly funny stuff in there. For example:

"Brahms’ Requiem has not the true Funeral relish: it is so execrably and ponderously dull that the very flattest of funerals would seem like a ballet, or at least a danse Macabre after it. - George Bernard Shaw, Nov 9 1892