A hung zung favorite

hHAHhHAhAHH mozt randomly a 1:35 zcarbo 8)

da finalized rob doc intro

(Right-Click, “Save Target As…”)

  • Tiz tru

Before I download that, is that a 1 hour 35 minute long scarbo, or 1 minute 35 seconds scarbo?

hahahha rezpec both vidz, mazz rezpecable tech

you haff huge handz, ia am zlightly jealous :blush:

HAHAHA befo i saw da face in i wuz thinkin to mahself “wow rob got really tan”


da ts blacknezz cauze confuzo AGAIN

Hey, what is Rob playing in the 32 MB video?

Props to both for the sk1lZ.

hAhHAhahHAHa i mozt randomly got mah tax return diz mornin’ 8)


diz fo funding da robdoc :dong:

hAhHAhHHAhh pozzibly 8). zum mo t25 low-budget media