any writer wit gud english skillz (diz excludez any fucka from poland) shud write up a page on da sdc
da fafoz can’t understand our culture, so make sure da entry iz subtle and sounds sophiscated (without bias) so that it duzn’t get deleted
when we gain sum more convertahz, den we vill add more to da entry
da reward wud be a nu respecable title and a generous donation and pozzibly a exclusive RARE vid provided by one of our membahz (and maybe a pic of da 8 inch SCHLONNG of , availability pending, on request only)
After much research and evaluation of 20th-century performance practice and tradition, Professor le Vent concluded that the pianist who most exemplified the SDC aesthetic was Gyorgy Cziffra (1921-1994), a Hungarian pianist who specialized in the music of his compatriots (Liszt and Bartok) and other 19th-century Romantics. Evidenced by his legendary recordings of the Grosses Konzertsolo and the Totentanz, Cziffra?s technical facility was forceful and boundless; in short, he was precisely the defining performer by which Professor le Vent and his fellow researchers judged all others.