a nu chick joinz da SDC

Francesca says:
hey caroline, have you checked out da SDC?
Rob says:
Rob says:
Caroline says:
whats SDC?
Francesca says:
a forum
Caroline says:
bout what?
Francesca says:
bout piano music, but in a mofo style
k-nar says:
I’m interested in this forum
k-nar says:
tell me more about it
Francesca says:
Rob says:
hahaha randomly greg, “da Gensui”, woke me up thiz morning to go to u of t
Francesca says:
there it is k-nar
k-nar says:
Francesca says:
k-nar says:
dammit!! all the free recs and videos!
Rob says:
this site is…legendary
Francesca says:
yes, dont you find the writing style confusing?
Caroline says:
thats what i was just thinking
k-nar says:
a bit
Francesca says:
you will become used to it
k-nar says:
you’re right ! now dat I’m used to it i find it quite humorous
Rob says:
hha tru
k-nar says:
and all this knowledgeable people!!
Francesca says:
and it may be a coincedence, but they are all seriously HAWT
Francesca says:
sexy guys for sure
k-nar says:
haha thanks for that link I find this place genuis
Francesca says:
no, it is beyond genius
Francesca says:
it is
Francesca says:
k-nar says:
iz da caro registerin ?
Francesca says:
she might be scared off
Francesca says:
so much testosterone
k-nar says:
everyone so friendly there
Caroline says:
testosterone doesn’t scare me
k-nar says:
Francesca says:
i see
Caroline says:
i’m just gettin round to it now
k-nar says:
I had to register to get all the free vids
Francesca says:
piano vids?
Francesca says:
they are awesome
Rob says:
Francesca says:
it is a richly diverse community
Francesca says:
they all have 1 thing in common though
Francesca says:
they are all tru mofos
Francesca says:
the creator of the community lives near you caroline
Francesca says:
he is randomly quite legendary
Caroline says:
who - you?
Francesca says:
Caroline says:
you think quite highly of yourself don’t you
Francesca says:
Rob says:
Francesca says:
there are common words on da SDC
Francesca says:
rob might be able to explain a few
Francesca says:
mildly, pozzibly, and barely
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
and randomly
Caroline says:

Caroline says:
i’ll just nod and agree
Caroline says:

Francesca says:
in da SDC, you would just say 'tru ’
Rob says:
Rob says:
k-nar says:
a good post uzually startz with “HAHAHA” n endz with a shadez :
Caroline says:
so it’s really just a load of random words thrown together about a load of nonsense
Caroline says:
sounds class
Francesca says:
hahaha, mildly
Caroline says:
Francesca says:
it is about piano music though, primarily
Caroline says:
(see - im catching on!)
Francesca says:
but its also a bit crazy, and random
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
and you can say the word FUCK as much as you want
Francesca says:
in fact, its encouraged
Caroline says:
Caroline says:
fekt the urge now
Caroline says:
so i went for it
Caroline says:

Francesca says:
the adequete response for what you just said is -
Francesca says:
'respec ’
Caroline says:
Caroline says:

Francesca says:
Caroline says:
so who’s these other people im talkin to?
Francesca says:
random other SDC members
Caroline says:
ah - hi other random SDC members!
Francesca says:
as you can see its a diverse community, rob is from canada
Francesca says:
jeff is from hong-kong, currently in USA
Francesca says:
k-nar is in is
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
the city, not the woman
Caroline says:
hey rob - where abouts in canada r u?
k-nar says:

Francesca says:
he might randomly be away, hes from toronto
Rob says:
hahah tru
Rob says:
randomly im painting
Rob says:
tha fuckin ceiling
Rob says:
tiz a hard laborouz tazk
Francesca says:
hahaha, random
Rob says:
Caroline says:
i got a friend in canada. other side from toronto though. well, not so much friend, more like fuck buddy actually. but still, don’t know anyone else from there
k-nar says:
Rob says:
hahahaha wher vancouvah?
Rob says:
Francesca says:
hahaha rob, r u anybodys fuckbuddy?
Rob says:
i juz noticed i am welathy fuckin membagh of da sdc
Rob says:
haha only sum random korean chick at school
Rob says:
Rob says:
were not really friendz eitha
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
hahahahahahahahah, just random occasional fucks?
Rob says:
ahahah yo randomly procezzed mah request for 100000000000000 ziff
Caroline says:
what the hell would a fuck buddy be for?
Rob says:
hahah not fo a while
Rob says:
hahahah pozzilby dizcuzzing feelingz?
Francesca says:
Rob says:
Francesca says:
vaginal feelings
Rob says:
hahaha tru
Caroline says:
orgasmic feelins maybe?
Francesca says:
youre 17 caroline?
Caroline says:
i will be in december
Rob says:
hahah tru
Francesca says:
and you already have random fuck buddies on canada?
Francesca says:
Caroline says:
he’s from canada - but he’s over here now
Caroline says:
what can i say…?
Rob says:
over wher
Rob says:
Francesca says:
she lives like 25 miles from me, randomly
k-nar says:
hahaha n da comme iz a gud buddy…
Caroline says:
im sure he wuld be
Caroline says:

k-nar says:
Rob says:
Francesca says:
hahaah tru
Rob says:
Caroline says:
so how old you guys?
Francesca says:
im 20
Francesca says:
jeff is 20, he randomly hasnt said a word
k-nar says:
haha nope comme iz 17
Rob says:
hahhaha randomly im 22
Rob says:
but look 16
Francesca says:
k-nar is 23?
Rob says:
and get mah ID cheked everywhur i go
k-nar says:
Rob says:
hahaha da mart randomly a senior citizne
Francesca says:
k-nar says:

Francesca says:
who are your favourite pianists caroline?
Caroline says:
chopin ultimately - a few other romantisists and then some earlier high baroque - Dussek, Loeillet etc…
Francesca says:
theyre composers, right?
Francesca says:
i meant piano players, thatve actually been recorded
Caroline says:
Caroline says:
mm, tricky
Caroline says:
i have some fab recordings of Wladyslaw Szpilman and some pretty good Rubenstein ones
Francesca says:
rob likes old ruby
Rob says:
spilmanz tha pianiztz from tha movie tha piznianrt righ
Rob says:
hahaha i do respec rub
Francesca says:
correct, but he isnt in the movie
Rob says:
hahah tru
Rob says:
iz he ded?
Rob says:
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
but he lived a while
k-nar says:
Francesca says:
died in his 80s
k-nar says:
letz start wiz da basis
Francesca says:
just a few years ago
k-nar says:
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
caroline, check out that video
Rob says:
hahahah iz JALGOR a chick?
Francesca says:
haha, no, guy with long blone hair
Rob says:
hahahah tru
Rob says:
Rob says:
confuzing pictur
Francesca says:
caroline might not like that picture
Caroline says:
well i wasn’t expectin that!!!
Rob says:
hahahah fuck
Rob says:
no imeant halfway down tha page
Caroline says:
good job i opened the page when there was no one else in the room!
Rob says:
hahaha random peniziz hav a habit of showin up on dasdc
Rob says:
but only randomly
Francesca says:
hahah caroline, that is advised for da SDC
Francesca says:
random pics of cocks all over
Caroline says:
i was in the school library the other day and someone sent me a lnk of a woman wearing nothing and i opened it with the IT tech right behind me - i nearly shit myself - god knows what he thinks of me
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
he thinks you are cool
Rob says:
hahahah if ne thing he th
Rob says:
Francesca says:
hahah rob’s tribute to schubert
Francesca says:
the unfinished post
Rob says:
hahaha u said whati intendd
Francesca says:
u were just a bit too…
Rob says:
Francesca says:
well caroline, some piansits are so highly regarded on da SDC
Francesca says:
that images of their faces are some emoticons
k-nar says:
Francesca says:

Francesca says:
oops, worng one
Rob says:
haahha tru
k-nar says:
iz da comme a highly regarded pianizt ?
Caroline says:
nice chest
Caroline says:

Rob just sent you a Nudge!

Rob says:
hahaha fuck
Francesca says:
ahahaha, oo arr, im a pirate, always looking for chests
Francesca says:
k-nar says:
Francesca says:
k-nar says:
Caroline says:
they’re not that bad - i’d giove them a 7 maybe 8
Caroline says:

Francesca says:
and what would you give your own?
Caroline says:
hm, 8 and a half
Caroline says:
possibly 9 when hard
Rob says:
Francesca says:
k-nar says:
haha da girth
Rob says:
caroline hav u signed up fo dasdc yet
Caroline says:
Francesca says:
yep, shes musical princess
Rob says:
hshaha a resepctable decision
Francesca says:
hahaha now she has to post
Francesca says:
and become accustomed
Caroline says:
i wont be posting cocks though so don’t be expectin any!
Francesca says:
hahahaha, possibly
Rob says:
u should start a new topic about how u like highbaroque music
Francesca says:
Rob says:
n see waht unfurl;z from that
k-nar says:
or alternatively a pic of ur titz
Francesca says:
that would be nice
Francesca says:
a good icebreaker, to get the community to like you
Rob winks:

Play “Silly Face”
Rob says:
hahahahah wtf
Francesca says:
quite random rob
Caroline says:
don’t think the girls on there would be up for it
Rob says:
this new messengah haz a whole bunch of new sheeyatz
Francesca says:
hahaha the many girls on da SDC
k-nar says:
da k-nar
Francesca says:
k-nar, you are ugly, you dont count
Francesca says:
you have a nicely shaved muff though
Rob says:
k-nar says:
u tell diz from mah mzn dizpay pic?
Rob says:
Rob says:
Francesca says:
hahaha exactly
Caroline says:
im waxed - do i count?
Francesca says:
waxed is nice
Rob winks:

Play “Guitar Smash”
Francesca says:
Rob says:
Caroline says:
wtf’s up with that?
Rob says:
hahaha i dunno go to Winkz
Francesca says:
rob has internet tourettes
Caroline says:
Francesca says:
acts of randomness all over
Rob says:
Rob says:
Francesca says:
hahahaha, well caroline, waxed pussies are just fine
Francesca says:
arent they rob?
Rob says:
hahahah n e method of puzzyhair removing is fine
Caroline says:
so you prefer waxed or au natural?
Rob says:
Francesca says:
hahaha, au natural is a popular alternative to tooth floss
Caroline says:
Rob says:
hah lazt one
Rob winks:

Play “Dancer”
Rob says:
hahah fuck
Francesca says:
Francesca says:
Caroline says:
he’s quite a crap dancer really
Rob says:
Francesca says:
well he looks better without clothes
Francesca says:
like you caroline
Francesca says:
Caroline says:
well that much is tru
Francesca says:
rob told me once he thinks girls with english accents are sexy
Francesca says:
right rob?
Rob says:
Rob says:
french accentz pozzibly
Rob says:
or englizh
Rob says:
Rob says:
not german
Rob says:
actually german too
Rob says:
randomly not azian tho
Rob says:
Francesca says:
rob is actually a really good pianist
Francesca says:
much like myself
Rob says:
hahaha tru
Francesca says:
he studies with a student of horowitz
Rob says:
Rob says:
Francesca says:
heard of horowitz caroline?
Caroline says:
well your looks in rob mate coz im english but im also fluent in french
Caroline says:
corse i have!! duh!
Caroline says:
any how - i have to run
Francesca says:
what was he famous for?
Caroline says:
speak to you all soon
Caroline says:
Caroline says:
Rob says:
Francesca says:
hahaha, ok, nice talking to you, and try to visit the SDC forum
Francesca says:
and post
Francesca says:
c ya
Caroline says:
will do - might even get some pics of my tits for you if you’re good
Caroline says:

Francesca says:
hahahaha very good
Caroline says:
Francesca says:
c ya
Rob says:
Rob says:
peace on earth

Caroline has left the conversation.

Francesca says:

“look! at da free videos!” 8)

haha, da random propaganda.

dayum. legendary.

-da Meph


i iz half chick

da convo iz too long to read. :stop:

but tiz involvez a CHICK :lib:

hahahaha datz a bit pathetic.

hahahahahaha JAL

randomly i thought u wuz a chick from a photo with tha shreddah (Oroku Saki not mildly).


hahaha but wuz\ dat him?

hahah no cuz then i randomly saw a pic of JAL playin guitar. n it iz a differnt pictuah.

so who iz the chick in the picture wit Oroku Saki

random google