i randomly started to play through some of da 25/12 today and hilariously i picked it up very quick
aftah a good few hrz readin thru it ovah and ovah, i can just about play da whole thing without da score
ofcoz da speed aint dere yet, BUT ill be workin on dat and ill haff a rec done by da time im 20(a couple weekz)
dis iz mah promise to all u legendary mofoz, buy yoself a nu set of diaperz…da comme iz back in town biatch
SHEEEEEEYAT, i think ill haff to sacrifice mah cock fo dat
respec to da comme
gimme a random etude and I will learn it in a couple weekz
da 25/12
dis iz actually VERY eazy to memorize, most of it iz just arpegiated chordz
it iz howevah demanding to play wit dynamicz, and ofcoz - wit speed
letz compete in diz fuckah
losahs always whine about dere best. winnahz go home and fuck da prom queen.
any 1 out of the 100 of the Sorabji Transcendental Etudes please.