Ashkenazy takes a nap

Hey everybody!

Not been very present for quite a while. Only get a chance to nip on here every now and again as I’m traveling around SE Asia. Anyhow, though you might be interested to see Vlad Ash taking a nap on a plane haha. A friend of mine is doing a few concerts with him. Apparently the plane was grounded at the time temporarily due to a toilet malfunction, although not sure if Ashkenazy had anything to do with that :joy: ! Still wearing his turtleneck…

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Link doesn’t work mate, but glad to see you back here!

There we go! Fixed haha

Good to see he’s not slowed down, although it would be nice to hear him play the piano again.

She was talking to him at a rehearsal. He told her he used to play the piano… No shit! Lol

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hahahah tha zleeping AZH cud be a gud nu emotizheeyat :sunglasses:


I think it’s pretty clear that Simon took this photo, and indeed has been stalking Ash for a long time now. It’s safe to assume this is just one of many candid spy shots in his collection. :smiley: /s

Maybe, in accordance with comme trying to turn this place into 88street, we should have a weekly thread of “Classical celebrities are just like us” paparazzi photos. That would be fun.


Haha genzui!!!

There’s already that composers doing normal shit page. This could be a companion piece.