auditions CLIBURN 2009 begin (aka. return of da Stormin Mo.)


New York:Jue Wang
Beethoven: Sonata in F major, Op. 10, No. 2
Ravel: Gaspard de la Nuit: Ondine
Chopin: Scherzo No. 4 in E major, Op. 54
Tchaikovsky-Liszt: Eugene Onegin: Polonaise


pozz the program is a bit :comme:

you have to see Esther Park’s pic

looks like a normal eye-less korean to me? :frowning:

ahahah da mayummy suckamojo much bettah 8)

though if you saw her in the street you probably won’t even look twice. :dong:

woah there’s a person playing JUST the op25 etudes.

Hannover:Satu Paavola
Mozart: Sonata in B-flat major, K. 281
Janáček: Sonata 1.X.1905 “From the Street”
Ligeti: Etude No. 6 Autome à Varsovie
Thalberg: Grand Fantasie on Themes from Bellini’s Opera “La Sonnambula,” Op. 46

never heard of the thalberg before

I have, and it’s not great. The only Thalberg I care for is the ‘three hand’ arps at the end of the moses fantasy.

Already did.

Alexei Kultakov 2005.

I hate this one. But it says no2, maybe that’s just not so bad