any advice?
slow practice
i concur - until u get it down
den do da opposite
so den i can reach dre’s speed?
haha, yep
da doc’s rec shud be yo point of reference
The Doc has a wikid recording of this piece.
i know
remembah…i AM da comme
da doc and ABM are break even.
i haff to hear da machine’s rec
check your email da chairman.
Me just sent u a file of ABM.
BTW, ABM comes in 30 secs faster than da Doc.
for your convenience,
hahaha RESPEC
For this rec, I prefer the machine to the Doc.
u ?
da doc iz bettah, da doc oozes out da colossal FURY by makin da very end slowah
da machine’s rec is still wikid
Da Doc’s 2nd Chop sonata is very promising, but very dissapointed in the short Scherzo movement(4th). He should unleash the fastest speed.
hahahaha, i feel da disgrace
Diz iz EXACTLY what i predickted. btw, da scherzo iz da mvmt2.
hahaha, unless he meant da finale
scherzo is italian fo comedy, and da doc iz known fo dis
we both meant da finale. Datz where da doc iz expected to shine wit hiz reputation of genius fingawork and LH/RH balance. plus, da shitzo aint ‘short’
hahahaha i fuckin c