beethoven symphs

dey be bling as fook

by MANY peoples standadz dese are da greatest pieces of music evah composed

whcih are yo faves and how wikid do u finks dey is?

i love da 5th fo da insane fury, and da triumphant cumshot when it cums into da 4th mvt, and especially da comedic genius endin

discuzz 8)

Diz topic shouldn’t be in da “chilled” section of da forum. 8)


well, da chairman chose to do it here

and i fucked a hot biatch 8)


'nuff said



da 9th fo sho has da most length

but has it got da most girth?


It has soo much girth dat Karajan collapsed after his first performance of it


hahahaha, but it has alot to compete with, da fuckin storm from da 6th symph is FO SHO one of da most insane pieces evahhh

dat’s rite

dat is insane fo sho, the dynamic changes are tru examples of Ludy’s girth


haha, dats rite, da brrrBOOM brrBOOM

is wikid 8)

3, 7 and 9 are ma faves because blah, blah, blah and blah. Bleh bleh blah bluh bloh.

da fact dat it was in da bad-ass movie Clockwork Orange adds some girth to it

profound 8)

hahaha, i have seen some of dat

da insane MOFO in dat movie is a huge fan of beethoven - dat is just hilarious and exemplifies da fact dat beethoven was a tru mofo himself

No mofos like da No. 7?

hahahaha, i love dat mofo

even da fuckin slow movement is a rhythmic dance sheeyat

its one big shake-yo-booty fest

respec to da luddy van B


I love 'em all.

RESPEC to LUDY for bein a white nigga


haha, in fact i saw a tv show dat proposed da theory dat he was in fact - BLACK - knowin his music well - i concur wit dis theory 8)