Best wishes to Dr. Dre...

hahah dayum :ziff:

-da Meph

wow strong hating… and no, not only americans in here…

im brazilian


tha return of da milfhuntah?

hahah fuk, diz equally big WTF??? on mah part

hahaha, da CGnezz of diz thread - thankz to da alpha-omega biatch :whale:

Uh Jeff, I’m not embarassed and I never was. You just assumed I was for mouthing like that, but honestly, I truly had enough of how bigheaded most of you seem to be here. It’s insane how cool you think it is to act like this.

Basically, you’re white people trying to be black. :wink:

come on, if that wuz our goal would we then sit in a room and listen to chopin`s 4th ballade instead of 50cent. think not :unamused:

-da Meph

I lived in East Harlem for 4 years…you live in…Ireland? :whale: :whale:

koji (who’s actually only half white)


Wrong, yet again
I am asian, you fucktard. (which stands for FUCKING RETARD, in case you ‘CONFUSE’ it with some foreign objects that you chronically shove up your rectum.)
And if you are not embarassed, then I congratrulate you, because your disability for feeling shame/embarassment has prepared you well for your particular lifestyle, because for a normal person, the daily dose of anguish and embarassment for just BEING YOU is enough to make the whole population of India to kill themselves. And in case you genetically-alcoholic-religious-fundamentalist-prematurely-anoxemic fucktard doesn’t realize, there are A LOT of people in India.

And there is nothing ‘black’ about the way I talk.
It’s just your only two so-called-braincells in your whole centre nervous system snapped together and somehow decided that it is.
And I don’t consider myself ‘cool’ or ‘righteous’, I speak what I perceive, and in this case, most of the people agree with me.

And of course you reserve the right to your hello-kitty queen-size bed along with your boxes of Kleenex, the bottle of Bailey which u substitue milk for breakfast cereal, and cry yourself to sleep and scorn the names of every single members here who doesn’t agree with you.

Get the fuck out, shut the fuck up, and have magnificient fucking morning at the mentally-handicapped pre-school.


You have such an anger problem.
I don’t give a shit what nationality you have. The fact that your Asian makes it worse, actually, and even when you “try” to type right, you still fuck up a lot. You’re such a contradicting asshole it’s hilarious.

in case people can’t see my last response because a new page is started:
"Wrong, yet again
I am asian, you fucktard. (which stands for FUCKING RETARD, in case you ‘CONFUSE’ it with some foreign objects that you chronically shove up your rectum.)
And if you are not embarassed, then I congratrulate you, because your disability for feeling shame/embarassment has prepared you well for your particular lifestyle, because for a normal person, the daily dose of anguish and embarassment for just BEING YOU is enough to make the whole population of India to kill themselves. And in case you genetically-alcoholic-religious-fundamentalist-prematurely-anoxemic fucktard doesn’t realize, there are A LOT of people in India.

And there is nothing ‘black’ about the way I talk.
It’s just your only two so-called-braincells in your whole centre nervous system snapped together and somehow decided that it is.
And I don’t consider myself ‘cool’ or ‘righteous’, I speak what I perceive, and in this case, most of the people agree with me.

And of course you reserve the right to your hello-kitty queen-size bed along with your boxes of Kleenex, the bottle of Bailey which u substitue milk for breakfast cereal, and cry yourself to sleep and scorn the names of every single members here who doesn’t agree with you.

Get the fuck out, shut the fuck up, and have magnificient fucking morning at the mentally-handicapped pre-school.


And what’s so contradicting for having some typos? Or is it another one of your ‘confusion’?
I’d rather be Asian than unproductive drunks like u Irishs.

can’t u provide me a little bit more of a challenge?

ur responses are lame.

How so? And nice grammar.



I knew that’s wrong when I was learning English as a third language at 5/6 years of age. 8)

English 101

you are = you’re =/= your

watch more Sesame Street 8)

You can’t seem to do anything but show off how many curse words you know. It’s kinda pointless… You’re just very easily angered, and I love laughing at your short temper. It’s so fucking funny how much you react like an idiot.

Really. Calm the fuck down. Or my sides will split.

now, THAT’s what I called ‘contradictary’.

you sure that’s ur sides splitting, or just stomach cancer from chronic drinking?

Haha datz just a bit true alpha oSmegma

You’re white. You dont really know anyone on this forum. Yet you come to such a ridiculus conclusion.

The only hints of black in this forum are the references to Mofos, bad selves, and Niggaz.

What these people type, if you actually analyse it closely, resembles a mixture of British and Hillbilly. Yeah, dats right Cleetis. Then there are words that seem to resemble an entirely new language. Like Moizta.

I was raised in Detroit. I have traveled up and down the east coast of America. I have even been to California. I can say with the utmost confidence, black people don’t talk in any manner resembling what is presented on this forum.

In short, you is wrong.

However, I think I must apologize on behald of all the Big Headed Mofos that be chilling at this forum. We can’t help that our brains are bigger than yours. If you must be angry at some one, please, blame your mother. She’s the one who shot you with too much testosterone in the womb, causing your brain to shrivel to the size of a walnut, thus impairing your ability to understand simple logic. Your father being your brother doesn’t help, either. :smiling_imp:

Peep mah tats :dong:

Attention whore - he get it from his mama :dong:

God you people all over react so much it’s retarded. It’s hilarious how much you think you’re right. haha. And all your comments about my mother and heritage are very lame and pointless.