better La Campanella rec

unfortunately more compressed sound

here (octaves still need work)

i changed one section to Liszt’s original

hahaha i iz perf tiz along wif da Chop 10/1 in da annual dinner of ma company

pozz video-taping zezzion tru

i’ve been looking for a piece to play for next year’s faculty concert too! something around 4-5 mins (yes there’s a limit) and not too difficult (about the level of chopin ballade no1; wanna learn some new pieces but very short of time and skills are limited), not too obscure (cuz i suspect some ppl in the audience don’t even know who prok and rach are) and yet not boring (can keep most ppl entertained).

any good suggestion?

no maksim and clay da man

a bit ewwww


hahaha jcyl check out da bortkiewicz bal played by da :wood: on da tube

iz diz rec worth downloadin?

yo poztz lead moi to a negative cuntcluzion :whale:

nice ending!