bezt exercice sheeyat :stop:

damn, da duch himzelf haz spoken finally.

WTF Titanic and Looney toon haff any sheeyat to do wif him?


the fuck?


HAHAHAHAHAH da MACHINE GUN ZCALE n NA ZACLE zide by zide comparizon tech

:ziff: :comme:

:whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:

I understand what you are saying,

but I can dedicate 1.5 hours a day to them, and sightread through half of the book (the whole book every 2 days) and improve considerably.

OR I can just pick an excersize for each of my weak techniques. It doesn’t take too much time to learn, because you don’t have to play them presto from the get-go.

if u need a tech to b able 2 play something, practicing that something will give u da tech, why waste time on mindless exercises. play music, and it will do.

randomly i am fluent in french n underztood diz fuckah.

haha me too 8)

hahha on doit inventer le MOFO en francais :doc:

bonne idée, mais ça serait moins efficace :ziff: :ziff: