lets rate da blingness of various pieces, like da difficulty ratinz sheeyat
whats yo blingness ratin of da tchaikovsky 1st PC?
lets rate da blingness of various pieces, like da difficulty ratinz sheeyat
whats yo blingness ratin of da tchaikovsky 1st PC?
da octaff passage is wikid
especially played in 4 secs
hahaha, alot of dat piece is wikid, but its somewhat annoyin coz da best moment of da whole concerto is only 7 mins into da fuckaahahhh
hahahahahha, how bling iz da KAN CONCERTO?
Da Ziff’s perf of Tchaikoncerto is ma fave…esp. da cadenza. Horowitz’s crazy version is also critical listening. These two recz show the full range of the Tchaik concerto and i derefore deem it 8 on da rectum scale of bling-itude.
Da Kancerto = 10 on da rectum bling-itude scale.
FYI: da rectum scale is logarhithmic, therefore, da Kancerto is 100 times da magnitude of da tchaikoncerto.
did u read wut da GENIE said about da KAN conc?
Nope. What was it?
Was it as eloquent as his contribution to the Greatest Pianists DVD?
hahah RESPEC … how dyou rate urself on that scale ?
hahaha, da genie said he wud neva play da KAN conc cuz he idnt think itz a great piece of muzik
Ehh, no major loss that Kissin won’t perform da Kancerto. He’s a bit sheeyat imho.
tiz can be translated lyk diz : I will not play it… cuz it’s too hard for moi to play… yes I am sheeyat
but iz a big lozz dat a major name lyk him wont take da initiative n be da 1zt really famouz peniz to play alkan
noone iz brave enough
fuckimoldndatmeansmyclitizold2-Argerich can play diz piece lyk no othah.
da piece gets a 7/10 ratin
rather not
diz CG revealz dat comme iz doin research
btw i ain’t clicking dat link
hahahahaha, u already did