me just heard shostakovitchs adagio’n’allegretto fo string quartet yesterday
da allegretto is literally ridiculous
evry sd shud no it
hahahaha, how da fuck do u expect uz 88 mofoz 2 kno diz?
dat’z y me told u 'bout it
now dat u no 'bout it u shwd go’n’lisn to it
where do i lizten?
me haz no idea
mazz debatable
da perf me heard worked a lot bettah
deze d00dz here play it a bit t00 zl0ppily tempo-wize
alzo, dey play a bit t00 fazt
Yep, da perf is sheeyzt. I think the Burleske from da 1st VC is more CG, and fury even at da same time.
letz build a compozition of emoticons