Could someone confirm if this is da HO playing? … TJ04UQGQ6I

da Ho arrangement of da hr 2. But iz diz da ho playing?

-da confused Meph

Doubtfull 8)

if itz got da bazz: da HO
if itz a bit sheeyat: da VOLOCIDICK
if itz GENSUI beyond wordz: da :dong:


da ho or da volocidick, i dunno 8)

listen foh gods sake.
sum ho bass sum sheeyat and gensui beyond words.
-da Meph


omg u even wondered? this is volodick

I knew it didn`t haff dat ho bass but, da title was horowitz, arr horowitz.

-da Meph

i knew it wuz sheeyat, i didnt even open da link 8)

hahahahaha jediskillz

hahahaha, yoda


Lucky baztard. I did… :unamused:

da zepp just didn’t wanna wait 4 hourz for it to dload 8)

hahahahahahha, da HARSHNEZZ towardz da VOL