Da best beethoven op. 111 ever?

wtf there are ladies here?

I thought I saw 2. Maybe they were trannies. :zhreddah:


Sorry, but this is the most furiouz beethoven ever.

Well, I don’t care. I refuse to dl midi sheeyat

it isnt even beethoven. its some modern composition that he wants us all to hear.

this is better than the original

gtfo. no it isnt.


u ppl are insane. :brotha:

we didnt say that this piece is better than the original 111.

u gotta admit 111 is kinda boring :internet suicide:


That’s why I put the :internet suicide:

But no, I love Gould’s rec of the sonata. :g:

gould >>>>>



ur diggin urself a ditch here

hahahah tha MART iz alzo a fan of tha G interp if i zheeyat correctly :g:

haha da 1zt mvmt :stop:
da 2nd a bit wtf :znail:

tru…da :g: showed no respect to da brotha in 111.
