… fo random 2 weekz, i vill be zurvivin in da random NATCHAH
daz ryt, da catz iz goin backpackin wit random friendz
diz iz a tezt fo mah cockz zurvival
i vill be carryin mah food, mah clothez, mah sheleter n mah porno on mah own back, n walkin random 12 milez a day (truuu, diz long diztancez iz to match ma cock girth)
da nightz diz cold hseeyatz
deir iz ztill znow in altitude
da SUN iz hot, but diz unlikkly da air iz
zo tru, if yo hike in da yozemite barrenz (n yez, deir are trailz wit no shade) diz wud be harzh
howevah diz definetnly not so-cal level
due to zum mozt random poztz in diz thread, i haff decided to limit da facial/cock/booty shotz in da robdoc to…0. tiz to make sho da main fcuz remainz da JAPz mzic, n not hiz elephant trunk