a friend of mine told me that i should rent a marx brothers movie, cause “chico” or something like that is supposed to be a CG in his playing.
can anyone verify this? does he have fury as well? i wouldnt want to waste $2.30 on a girthless movie
a friend of mine told me that i should rent a marx brothers movie, cause “chico” or something like that is supposed to be a CG in his playing.
can anyone verify this? does he have fury as well? i wouldnt want to waste $2.30 on a girthless movie
da Marx Bros. iz clazzik sheeyat. Buy it right fukin now!
i just found an old vid of my dads
yeah chcio is da sheyat
but harpo fuckin raped the piano with the rach 3/2 (or2/3)
fuckin blew the piano up and played it like a fuckin harp
this is the most classic example of fury i haave ever witnessed
anyone concur?
i think its “a day at the races” or some sheeyat like that
go rent it its fuckin hilarious