Da Chopets

SDC core rep, nuff said.

lets discuzz da benchmarks, best recs, and otha sheeyat.

Da most insane rec of the whole set I heard is probably DA GAV !

for the 10/4… well… u know who hold da WORLD RECORD 8)

I’m sure da Zepp will make the ultimate benchmark list for each single chopet

dats rite, but da controversial factor, is, shud da 10/3 and otha non-SDC sheeyats be raped up to speed?

and da gav’s most notable record is indeed da WW - at 2 40 for da fast section

but to call dis da most insane rec, is forgettin about da insane chick rebecca penneys

check out da samples of her recs on da

www.towerrecords.com classical section

Da 3 official SDC Chopets recordings are:

Da penis woman 8) NB: She is actually da most consistently FURIOUS of da three. Listen to how she rapes da 25/12 out of orbit in well under 2’00.

man, dat biatch sounds like she wud bone so fast dat it would start a black hole and i wud end up a fetus by da time she was finished. DAYUM

(of oucrse dis is due to da fact u can manipulate time if u move fast enough in a balck hoel)

haha, i got too scintific, fact is - she is a FAST ride

Da Brownie’s rec is also up dere wit da fastest.

But da wikid thing about da penneys, is dat she turns some quasi-SD chopets (10/10, 25/2, 25/3, 25/5) into allout FURY-fiestas. 8)

haha, does she turn da butterfly etude into da muthafuckin MOTHRA?!?

Ma gf had an orgasm over Richter’s 10/4 8)

hahaha, dat is to be expected from any tru woman

hold on to dat biatch, she will be a good ride fo sho 8)

Josef Lhevinne for this mofo played the 25/6 so wikidly fast

hahaha, i have a feeling da zepp will speak up here 8)

Indeed, jeffo you is not up to date wit dis sheeeyat. I recommend da Brownie rec:


Now DAT is what u call a 25/6. 8)


nb n bnbn h nn bn

dey would love ur avatar pic in da petrucci forum 8)

but itz missing da pimpin’ hat 8)

da docz weaknezz iz revealed - da bald spot 8)

some studies say dis iz due to excessive amount of testosterone

or excezzive headbangin while playin da KAN 8)