da comme witnezzez da lewis playin da HAMCLEAVAGE LIVE!!!!!!

ahahahaha SHEEEYAT!!!

i just got back from dis recital

dayum, all da sonataz were unique choicez - hiz plan waz to show da variety in beethovenz music and to introduce some lesser known rep.

da op90 waz genius, a moist interp fo sho, but i forgive him dis coz of da sheer conviction with which he played it, a wikid startah.

next waz da op 54, anotha wikid interp. i knew i waz in da presence of da 2nd brendelator, wikid sheeyat wit a nice frenzied finish.

next waz a wikid sonata, da op31 no3, wikid interp da whole way thru, with a wikid finale avec MUCHO FURY, a wikid rhythmic mofo finale.


den came da break, i randomly walked around den walked up to some ppl dat looked youngah den da rest, i talked to a random mofo about music, hilariously he waz a baroque fan and nevah herd of ziff or da doc.
naturally i taught him da wayz of FURY and told him to check out some doc recz.

den came da 2nd half…devoted to 1 piece- DA HAMCLEAVAGE!
hahahaha, he randomly talked thruout da recital and hiz introductory speech b4 da hamcleavage waz hilarious - he basically said da work iz da most insane mofo beethoven evah wrote, he said itz da mount everest of piano workz, den he calmly sat down den…

UNLESHED DA INSANITY, mannnnnnnnn da sheer magnitude of dis piece iz insane, a wikid interp ensued.
in da FURIOUS momentz he growled like a mofo tigah, dere waz a wikid moment in da finale where he did a wikid shock tactic too.
da insane trillz and sheeyat n da finale were executed wit wikid dex, he evidently haz much girth.
and da way he ended it waz wikid, he saved all hiz fury fo last, da last few chordz were executed wit ball-bustin FURY.

hahha, man it waz wikid.

den az i waz walkin out i saw him and asked fo da autograph, i told him i thought hiz hamcleavage waz SUPERB AND WIKID, he thanked moi, we shook handz, and i left like a mofo.

he waz askin to get changed, obvious he waz semi spermwhale by da finish so he needed to get changed - datz why i didnt chat to him longah.

hahahahaha, man dis made me reconsidah beethoven az a legendary mofo.

and i came to da conclusion - dis mofo iz da best young beethoven interpretah in da world rite now.

wikid sheeyat 8)

speed - 8)8)8) - not exactly SD rep, but at da momentz it waz required he fuckin unleashed
comedic genius - 8)8)8)8) - dere waz inherent genius in da compz demselvez - da random end of da 2nd mvt of da hamcleavage fo eg.
moisture - 8)8)8)8)8) - genius moisture, he had a wikid sound and showed beethovenz genius in piano writin wit beautifully transparent voicing
FURY - 8)8)8)8) - insane momentz of fury wit da trademark growlz, not sustained fury, but wikid nevadalezz

overall - 8)8)8)8)8) - pretty much i havent heard beethoven played much bettah den diz

dis mofo iz da next brendel 8)

chopinfiles.com/modules.php? … 4158#14158

da genius iz paralelleldlel here 8)

hahaha four beethoven sonata in one recital ?
dayum datz a bit too much girth 8)


hahaha, da 2nd half waz just 1 sonata, wikidnezz


respec da comme fo seein da hamcleavage live

waz it bettah dan da bed-ovah?

btw- i iz fuckin da best ludy intapratah


you fairy


DAT failz to justify such a lengthy review


hahahaha, da length waz a metaphorical indication of da cleavage itzelf

hahahaha, dis iz subjective sheeyat, but dis mofo iz in da same league az da brendelator