Da Doc signed his prescription for me

Saw Da Doc on a Queen Elizabeth Hall tip a few weeks ago, bustin’ out da Debussy preludes, and Carnaval.

Now, I be no speed demon, but when I see Hamelin’s 12 Etudes for sale in the foyer, I wuz layin down 20 green for dat good shit.

After Doc finished done his business, I was hangin’, waiting to get those Etudes AUTHENTICATED! I gets to the front of the queue, and Da Doc does his signing.

Now - I be learnin’ da Chopin Etude op10 1 “Waterfall” - and it be exercisin’ my right hand more than a Cindy Crawford exercise video!

So I said to Da Doc “do you ever play Chopin Etudes, like 10 1?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Chopin Etudes? Why yes, when I was a youngster of course I played them! But…err I’ve moved beyond them now.”

Daaaaayyyummmm. javascript:emoticon(’:doc:’)


P.S First post, I hope I didn’t get the ghetto speak too wrong. :slight_smile:

:doc: :doc:

ahahaha welcom to dasdc n rezpec yo firzt pozt! :gav:

im zure you vil be fine az long az u

nevah refer to 10/1 az ‘waterfall’ again :doc:

HAHAH thanks for the interesting story :doc:

and tru… much respec fo finding thiz hidden 88 base , welcome aboard mofo 8)



ahaha diz ‘watahfall’ would have a to do a hard job, always going up-going down-going up-going down…
real waterfallz uzually only have one direkshn… :laughing:

Respec foh da doc’s sig :slight_smile:
Mahbadself iz aiming for a Zlit’s sig in May :smiley: