da doctah getz anudah SDC demerit

Da :doc: sayz about the chopgod 25/11:

“It vill come as no surprize that this kind of writing presents mountainous challenges which require a great deal of dynamic power and total finger independence.” but, da doctah commits SDC fraud when he sayz “Incidentally, da metronome marking iz completely unreasinable–something dat most of da othah studies do not suffer from”

Perhaps dat wuz an attempt at CG by da doctah becuz he kan play it dat fazt?


diz iz actually TRU

look at da fuckin sheetz, da GOD requeztz dat it be played at almoz da ORIGINALz inzane tempo(which haz neva even been achieved fully)

zo da DOC iz alot zl*wah den da GOD requezted, but da sheeyat iz

if da DOC cant play it dat fazt…hu da fuck can? :stop: :stop: :stop:

:lib: :whale:


hahaha wtf? da GOD azk minimum 58. dat iz NUTZACK tempo

:trugod:: “:roll: u want ma random recital tapez?”

da moz dizgraceful sheeyat iz, da doc claim da GOD TEMPO iz mo suited to da ORIGINAL CHOPET. n DAT iz juz :comme: