da DONGAH balk at hiz own chance fo an Atlantic crozzin

doez tha dongah play ne prok? :dong:

how cud i fuckin foget thiz clazzic :dong: :dong: :dong: :dong:

AHAHHAHAHAAh tha look at 2;28 befo it endz pozzibly tha bezt in tha entir zheeyat

look at lots of modern concertos. many are extremely difficult, like the 3 xenakis concertos. not all modern concertos are extremely difficult, but a good bit are.

the ligeti concerto was premiered by aimard i believe. this is definitely a horrendously difficult piano concerto. seeing the score pretty much confirmed my idea of its difficulty.

da dong pozz thought diz sheeyat wuz empty caloriez :dong: :doc:

Sorry. Lang Lang is a penis. Small one, too.

China can’t ever produce top musicians. They’re all tech machines maybe.

you have sheets? is it more of ligeti’s rhythmic experiments or set-theory implementations like continuum or musica ricercata?

(also i kinda noticed a 10day gap. shizz this forum needs moar activity)

da hatred towardz da beloved dongah iz abit unwelcome here.


h8az b h8in :dong:

perhaps, but i dont get why the media absoluuuuutteeeeely LURBZX <3 him.

imo anything he plays is of too much force and not enough brain

his popularity is unstoppable.



according to da Pareto principle
80% ov da people iz idiotz, dere exiztence haz no apparent impact of da world or human civilization itzelf, and da othah 20% makez up fo da zheeyeatnezz in da world

da overwhelming popularity ov da dongah provez nothing but dat he and hiz under-educated audience will go down in hiztory az oblivion

iz u chinese, jeff.


are u? 8)

will put that into consideration.


Jeff is SteinwayModelD right?

And i’m chinese too.

yea, i am Jeff
I am from Hong Kong

nice to meet u :blush:

im from singapore. is there anyone else here liddat anyway?

we can’t be friendz :cry: