da electronic 88's

kin eny of u fukahs tell me what fucken keyboard i shood get? bujit: 1000 bucks. need very good action, very good pedal. portibol. nid for da kompoazing in da finale.

:brotha: thanks

Yamaha P series with stand
I use da P60 (cheapest version)

very satisfying, i can even play pieces like scrib and chopet on it.


da van travols wit da p120. i thinkz da orgy duz too. but they don’t make dat anymore.

all the p-series uses the same action (that means the touching is the same)

the difference is the features (like diffferent instrument sound)

so i wouldn’t say it’s that much of a difference

i haff Roland rd-300sx and it wuz around 1300 euros when i bought it, i believe its about 1000 now.

im very happy about da action n sheeyat(only two pedals:( ) n i randomly play wiz one band, tiz weights nothing, so it’s easy to take where i want to.

fuck im going to have to get one of dese too…da only downside of moving out :frowning: (well dat and having to pay for every little thing)

does anyone find dat it significantly affects their playing? (i.e. is da action dat much different dan an upright)

of course it wouldn’t be 100% geniune piano action

but it’s very damn close, and it’s actually very good for finger pracitce

but it is of course not as good as the grands