Herez da deal, post a vid of you playing any of da following atleast 5 mins of it, and ill try (vaguely) to help you out (if I can )
Diz service is free* so give me patience as I also have a piano competition to prepare for, and lots of school sheeyat.
Also preferrably if you could tell me your specific problem
da List:
Rachmaninoff piano concertos 1-4 and Rhapsody
Prokofiev piano concerto no.2
Brahms piano concerto no.2 (mvts 1+2)
Chopin piano concerto no.1
Schumann Piano concerto in a minor
Grieg Piano concerto in a minor
Saint-Saens Africa Fantasy for piano and Orchestra
Tchaikovsky piano concerto no.1 (mvt 3 )
any standard sheeyat.
*fo now.
N.b: Just because I can help you with the mentioned pieces doesn’t mean ive played All of them to a professional standard, but quite a few of them i have “performed.”
up to da ROB, the reason I say video is to see if I could arrange easier fingerings etc., but audio is pretty cool too, Im guessing your doing da Prokofiev op.16?
can i send u a vid of twinkle twinkle little star variations ??? the fingering is killin me and im practicing like about 27 hours a day for this and i still cant play them , da Dongah told me the other night that he is having problems with dat too recently and dat da shrimp is having fun of da dongah as he mastered the first 3 pages and memorized them while da Zpidah told me hez not man enough to start with dat piece !
can u help ??? im desprated !!!
shamefully, i iz possibly learning twinkle twinkle fuck to conservatory audition
since mozart and are two composers which i hate ,and i haff to play either slow n fast movement of sonata OR variation set from same era, so tiz easier dan sonata movements, maybe even too esay
Arsha ! im having a contract with Deutsche Grammophon and ill be recording next 3 weeks and ill be recording da whole prick pc set … so … maybe u can buy this sheeyat over and help me with mah bad bad bad interpret. ???
j/k ofcourse …
btw , i juzz found out dat Blechacz might will record wit da DG studios in Japan as he iz a making a fuckin great tour out there and now he iz fuckin 1000000000000 times richer than moi …
and btw , i haff hiz first and only cd till now from a polish studio in the bydgoszcz philharmony , do u want me to rip dat sheeyat? i just dont know how to do dat so i dont make stupid mp3s out of it … on his cd we have : Schumann Sonata g-moll , Debussy Suite Bergamasque , Liszt 3 concert etudes , Szymanowski variations and Chopin Polonaise heroique
and btw , he recorded this cd just before the chopin competition !! and it was like he went there , played once , they recorded once with not cuts etc , and the cd is out in a great quality !!
and another btw , u think i can have any connection with him now ??? he is more dan argerich now in Poland !
randomly u haff to turn yo speakahz up a bit. alzo tha 1zt mvt iz a bit mo sheeyat than uzual az i buckdled undah tha prezzur n aftah i mezzd up tha openin run sheeyatz i kind of juz went AFAP fo tha rezt n had sum major fuck upz in tha wikid partz
tha 2nd mvt iz ztill realtively new n i m uzin tha muzic fo it. i vil re record thiz sheeyat again aftah tha maztaclazz
specific sheeyatz givin mahbadzelf a hard tym in tha 1zt mvt, iz thiz particular RH sheeyat:
alzo tha trillz at tha nd of tha 2nd mvt iz inzanely awkard too.
thankyou very much for recording it for me. but you can you use Yousendit, as da DUBAI proxy doesn’t allow rapidshare it sais im already downloading a file with my ip.
This playing is to an extremely professional/mastery level of work, so I would take off my hat to that. As you know im going to a piano competition on saturday, and I really want to dedicate time to this recording, and I wouldn’t want to rush anything. So wait till I get back for an analysis and “maztah” clazz. Meanwhile I will also study the score more, alongside your recording. So on my behalf- well done (so far)
randomly make a vid of u playing da parts da nigga-jap iz finding difficult. dat way we can witness da CG of ur limestone burnt sienna skin color (tiz randomly da color of persian mofos) n da randomness of yo piano witchcraft during maddeningly difficult passages.
randomly wut iz da ancient Persian recipe for FFF@prestissimo?