ahahah rezpec n dun worry about thiz sheeyat til yo comp iz dun
good luck
ahahah rezpec n dun worry about thiz sheeyat til yo comp iz dun
good luck
Im back now, and upon around the 5th recording, and i don’t want to seem like some lil arrogant pesk and stop you for some really really small things because theres not much I can say as an overall picture over an audio file, simply -outstanding.
Ofcourse there are some things to think about but catch me on msn, and well play it in sync and ill tell you where im talking about, as the recording is too long I can’t stop you in certain parts, but pat yourself on the back, and wow very interesting performance(s).
If theres something in partciular you need help with please tell me and i could do that.
hahaha mazzic rezpec fo takin tha tym to liztn. tiz tru ther are many little miztake sheeyatz tho i am probably aware of mozt of them now, and am mo comfortabl wit tha 1zt mvt. bazically i wuz lookin fo sum advice on what soundz a bit sheeyat (ovahdone dynamicz n phrazez n poor pedalling, etc) and recently i went to mah teacher for mah firzt lezzon in a couple monthz and he pointed out many many of theze thingz, which I now realize might be hard to hear due to tha queztionabl quality of tha recording. True I woud appreciate hearin yo ideaz about tha piece so i vil hit u on tha head on tha MZN sum tym fo that.
again tha really only specfic sheeyat thatz breakin me down iz thoze damn trillz at tha end of tha 2nd mvt. stayin relaxed for that whole sequence iz a challenge, so if you a method for that sort of sheeyat twould alzo be helpful. ( I bazically uze 2-3 on tha whitenote to white note and black note to black note trillz, 2-4 if itz a black note to a white note, and 1-3 if itz a white note to black note, wit some exceptionz) haha but again i vil find u on da mzn.
wow strong spider
hhaahhhah thiz rec
happy st. patz u mofoz.
i vil re-rec thiz sheeyat fo tha and tha shaga az soon az i learn tha 3rd mvt. fo mo critique