Da Full Time Corresponden is back...

…back part time…

Hope you guys missed me :unamused:

I got out of school n haf been working ma head off… have gone thru busy seasons, some biz travellings, n some wikid shit… so i haven’t been here for a while… :blush: but anyway i’m back… back and can’t remember my old password… :frowning: if the chairman here can be so kind to tell me what email address I registered with so i can get my old ID back, life would be bettah, since i’m so emotionally attached to that ID…#$%…


da chairman iz randomly not moi anymo, tiz da MART


we compared da size of our dickz n decided

hahhhahahahahahaa owned…

tiz great you came back

we finally haff a breathing female in sdc

whatz more, an asian one :dong:

thanks to Kmart and da comme,
I’m truly back now…

Hi Lang Lang! Your name sounds familiar…

tiz hung sung actually :blush:

congrats on ur name change, little genius!

Btw, I just saw a msg in my inbox here sent ages ago, asking for some Cziffra files from me… and said "i will soil mah bad self if i don’t get it… "

I hope this poor fellow’s still above the ground :unamused:

oh… and i just got the godow vol2 from Marston not long ago… pre-ordered, not yet onsale… anyone interested?

i[m azlmozt sho that “da biznatch” iz chick alzo, yet her uze of tha gangzta lingo intimidatez moz mofoz.

or pozzibly tiz a dood im not sho/ :chop:

i am really suffering :chop:

u iz correct mofo! mah bad self iz a chick. :smiling_imp: :laughing: it be interesting dat not too many mofos seem to notice :confused:

:comme: : make a scan of ur vagina


tiz legendary, doez da biznatch haf msn?

hahahaha, i zenzed a vibe

haahha daym da cybersex.

:comme: : dis thread iz nothin without pics :whale: :whale:

hahaha you mofos wud be dizapointed cuz mah bad self iznt azn n i dun look lyk a pr0n star :laughing:

haha, tiz iz not how it works on da internet. U google “hot cam girl” and post it pretending itz u.

but u iz no doubt da moz rezpecable random baitch in diz forum