duz da HO haff an unfair advantage in FURY due to hiz inzane 88
tiz tru
WRONG. da HO iz da HO, he wud sound da same on a yamaha digi
FUCK da HO BAZZ, pozzibly da mozt wikid peniztic sound evah. i iz liztening to da HO live arab bombah, n FUCKKKKKKKKKK da HO BAZZ hurt ma earz! tiz obviouz u cant unleash deze sort of soundz on a normal 88.
Not exactly, maybe my wording was incorrect. What I meant was that the Ziff would not be able to produced the same sound as da HO even when playing on his 88. Diz iz comparable to da peepz who said that EVH’z tone came from his guitar and marshall stackz, da legendary Bill n Ted guitarizt nuno bettencourt tried out EVH’z setup once and realized immediately dat he couldn’t sound like EVH, I believe the same would be tru fo da Ziff n HO
Az it rightly pointed out here, da HO iz da HO n mosly responzible fo da sound himself.
Here r da facts:
Da Pony recorded a CD on da HO’z 88, n sounz lil bit lyk shit.
I played da HO’z 88 myself, durin itz travelling acrozz US. I dun remembah which numbah of da 88, though. Tiz sheyat haz nothin special, except it iz little lighter n laquered little mo dan usually I am used to.
It iz comfortable to play, datz fo sho.
Dere iz a footage from Russia, where da HO playz Tchaikowvsky’z very ol’ 88. Da MOFO haz exactly da same sound hof hiz own.
N last not da least. Franz Mohr, who had been workin on da HO’z 88 throughout many yearz, talkz 'bout an international conference, where many top 88 techz were invited, just to confirm dat da MAN’z 88 iz not dat special n haz no trickz.