Da Kan

Why does you tink da :kan: is underrated and underplayed?
I’m not a huge fan - I’ve heard most of da op.39 and da preludes and dey haven’t really hit me.
I would think he’s neglected coz of his difficulty why is Liszt and Prok played? or coz his melodies aren’t ‘popular’ enough, but why play 90% of C20th music?

hahaha…i wrote my entire IB extended Essay on this subject (which, incidently, got a ‘D’!)
:open_mouth: :slight_smile:

You should read through his music, that’s how I got to appreciate him more.

I’m not asking how I can like him more - it’s that the popular appeal of his music (to audiences and most penists) is zilch compared to Liszt or Chopin. why is dat?

the lack of uber long romantic melodies


Alkan is a pianist’s composer

he’s great, but I can fully understand why the general audience doesn’t like him so much, not to mention he never advertised his music enough when he was alive (only played a few times in public) so it’s possible he braught a bit of that on himself.

becuz dey hafnt herd dem

da KAN wuz az great a compoza az da :pimp:

n hiz bezt sheeyat i prefah to da bezt of da :chop:

da main sheeyat iz - u zhudnt lizten to da KAN expectin :pimp: o :chop: , lizten to him on hiz own termz, n appreciate hiz unique perzonal gensui

he hit moi rite away, wiz a zlegdehammah :whale: , n zince den he haf been ma fav 88 compoza

:kan: datz rite

hahhaa zledgehammah :laughing:

holy shit! u did IB??? Did u get the diploma???

I just found out my IB scores yesterday, what a coincidence…I wrote my EE in “Michelangelo’s Artwork and his influence on the Artworks of Rubens and Raphael”. I got an A, but I got a C in my TOK ezzay, lol…

I got the IB diploma…kool…

where do you live?

da kAN is just gensui :kan:

I even appreciates him moh after I started to pracitce the sonatine(masterpieces)

da symp iz just GENSUI!!!

-da Meph

So needs someone to bring out his music to da public? Isn’t dat what Hamelin is doing and he’s still out of mainstream (and perhaps out of da lower stream) Does he need more time perhaps? (he’s been dead for 120 years, but hey…)
I don’t think there are any great composers who don’t have a strong reputation in the musical world so perhaps da Kan isn’t up to standard?
I’m just dishin out more ideas :slight_smile:

Good job.

I didn’t take EE seriously enough (and my advisor was an idiot - she predicted I’d get a B on it)…I did end up getting the diploma, despite being a bit lazy. I got C on my TOK essay too.

I live in Victoria, BC. You?

hahaha, da KAN iz undoubtedly az gensui az hiz contemporariez.

da DOC juz aint dat famouz compare to zum otha penizz, when da DONGAH ztart to play da KAN - den tvill be reconized.

The more I learn about piano the more I realize:

  • Hamelin is not a good advocate for Alkan.

yep try Lewenthal

Concurred. Lewenthal or Zmith.


Hamelin iz not good?

The more I listen to Alkan`s music the more I realise how superior da doc iz to da rezt.

-da Meph

smith’s tech is not up to scratch from what I’ve heard of him. Da caped ray iz tho. But I don’t think many of his kan recz have been re-issued.

Lewenthal’s Festin D’Esope demonstrates his superiority to Hamelin as an Alkan interpreter in every way.

I think Smith’s techique is actually pretty damn good. A far cry from Hamelin, but he certainly does more with the music.

Hamelin often makes Alkan sound like this:

yousendit.com/transfer.php?a … 242AF378EE

which is not a good thing.

i have da great misfortune of not hearin much of da :kan: . can someone kindly spoonfeed me into liking dis composah. not coz i dont like it, i just aint heard much.


Is dat your bezt way to say something bad about a pianist???

comparing him to Josef Hofmann!!!?? pozzibly da geartes pianizt who haff evah lived???

or a great composer like weber!!!???

still I admire the pianism of Lewenthal very much,

-da Meph